Days of Our Forefather


The world as it is now or like in the days of our forefathers, both world has their merits and demerits, but I would better stick by the way things were back then than the kind of fix we are in now in our present time. Thou if we ask our fathers of old or any aged person they would have a lot to say, most of them would prefer how things use to be than in this jet age where everything is moving at a pace like it doesn't want to be catchup with.

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In the days of our fathers they have easy access to fresh food, fruits and vegetables right from the farm without much stress and at a small cost that's if it would even cost them a dime. They access whatever they needed in it's natural state, unlike now where we consume more of processed and fatty food which is detrimental to our health.

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We have come a long way, there are technologies that our fathers of old wouldn't think of in their own time, talk of gadgets that makes work easier and faster, computers, android phones, kitchen utensils, robots e.t.c. but with this this came more problem like hackers, fraudster and scammers, who are on the increase ripping people of their hard earn money. Aside this , people especially youth have become lazy. In the olden days there s a saying which says "make hay while the sun shines", but now people of today especially the young are more interested in funfair. They wished for and want to live large but don't want give what it take nor sacrifice there time and strength in their prime to attain the future they envisioned.

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Back then there are a lot of green vegetation around house, talk of diverse fruit, scrubs and grasses, all this enable the ecosystem to work as was designed by nature where everything revolves round about each other, now adays we have more houses less vegetation, no wonder the air we breathe in is polluted, when our flowers has been replaced by artificial ones, for grasses and scrubs we now have by synthetics.

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I prefer the days of old where I don't have to worry about Ozone depletion, where the natural synthesis of nature is carried out without any hinderance, unlike now where glacier and iceberg are melting at an alarming rate, which is as a result of how we the man of today has ulter the natural state of things, where most of our actions has directly and indirectly influenced nature In a negative way.

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Inconclusion I would prefer the days of our Forefather to this Civilized World a thousand times, I heard from my dad that my great grand father and mother died at 109 and 105 respectfully, I was opportuned to know my grandparents they both died age 100 and 94 years also, this implies thahivet in those days people live long and healthy, man of 100 plus years walking around without support nor eye glasses, but look at the world today many terminal diseases, increase mortality rate. Nations at logger-head wth one another, terrorism, economic meltdown, disaster here and there.
Our fathers enjoyed more peace than we do now, I believe if they are looking down at us whereever they are now, they will be grateful they did not come around in our time.

0.000 PAL


You've written well, everything you said is right and sometimes, I just wish things will go back the way it was before.... in mean the lifestyle of people, the way they do things are better than the way things are being done.

it's true that they may experience a lot of difficulty then, but they found their purpose and dreams were achieved.

It's nice reading from you, and I find it really interesting.

0.000 PAL

Well said ma. Thou they might have their shortcomings but still they love at peace back than we now, there wasn't any of terrorism or economic recession, they have fresh food from, but now processed food is common. I do long for the old good days. Thsnks for stopping by, do have a pleasant night rest

0.000 PAL

Yes, you have said it all ,this is a very nice write up,I preferred olden days too

0.000 PAL

I long for the good old days too

0.000 PAL