Feral Spirit - swift, harassing, and sneaky beast from Khymeria.
Hello friends!
Welcome to another post from the weekly SHARE YOUR BATTLE challenge, featuring one of the Luminous Beasts - a sneaky and quick Feral Spirit.
I simply love the Life element. This is my strongest deck and I have the best win ratio when playing Life splinter. I am also a proud owner of Feral Spirit leveled up to level 5 from the Alpha edition. In the Silver league which I usually play, I am using Mother Khala which I own at level 4, or from time to time I rent Lorna Shine or Chanseus the Great. However, since the introduction of Chaos Legion and Adelaide Brightwing, having almost the same abilities as Chanseus, I do not see a point in using this legendary summoner anymore in my lineups. In this weekly challenge, I will show you that even with a cheap summoner like Mother Khala, Feral Spirit would be a very good companion on the battlefield.
Battle lineup and strategy overview
My classic "combo" while playing Life splinter is using Shieldbearer as a main and only tank, due to its Taunt ability, as well as high life and armor volume. Mandatory supplements for Shieldbearer are always Divine Healer and Venari Crystalsmith. Using those 2 healers makes Shieldbearer hard to kill and allows all the backline damage dealers to safely do their job without being harassed by any Sneak/Snipe/Opportunity monsters. Usually, the rest of the card slots are filled by Sneak cards and Feral Spirit is a perfect choice here, due to its low mana cost (only 3), high speed (6 points at level 5), and very reasonable damage (2 melee hitpoints at level 5). With the introduction of the CL card edition, I changed my first choice from Feral Spirit to the Stitch Leech, which, admittedly is significantly slower, however, offers an insane 3 melee damage with Sneak ability at level 5. But still, Feral is my second choice and you can build a very strong Sneak lineup with the Feral playing an important role here.
My first battle was against a pretty interesting and rarely seen lineup with Peakrider as a summoner, Gelatinous Cube as the main tank, and a bunch of supporting cards like Baby Unicorn, Crystal Werewolf, Divine Healer, and of course, Furious Chicken. My opponent bet on Defender of Truth and Divine Healer as main damage dealers, which was simply too low damage output to kill my Shieldbearer on Tank Heal steroids and Sneak cards killing opponent deck one by one, starting from the last card. Even though the lineup was interesting, it was an easy win for me and Feral Spirit did a great job here. A battle rule providing Blast ability to each attack made this job even easier.
Click here to watch the battle
The second battle is proof, that of course, Lorna Shine is a very powerful summoner in the Silver league, but it's not an auto-win summoner and by having leveled up cards to the maximum of your current tier, even with a much cheaper summoner you can easily compete with her. This time I was facing a very hard lineup to beat: Lorna Shine with multiple Sneak and Opportunity cards additionally boosted in the attack by Silvershield Knight. I was lucky here because due to 17 mana battle cap I was not able to use my standard combo with Shieldbearer. Instead of that, I used a new CL card - Chaos Knight available in my ghost deck. It was a very good choice here because due to Shield ability available at level 1, it survived multiple attacks from Silvershield Knight, and the rest of my lineup was fast enough to kill Sneak and Opportunity cards before they destroyed my damage dealers. In that case, Divine Shield ability was a serious threat for me, but I was pretty lucky in the lineup settlement. Well, hunt or be hunted …
Click here to watch the battle
Feral Spirit, especially level up to the maximum level from a particular league is old but still gold. Some alternatives are coming from the Chaos Legion edition, however, Feral's quickness, mana cost, and Sneak damage make it still a must-have choice in the Life Sneak lineups with low mana caps. With a more powerful summoner like Lorna, the Spirit will act even better, therefore the card is still holding pretty stable value and it doesn't seem to become useless even with the new CL edition cards.
I hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for reading!
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PS2. I am a proud member of ONEUP-Cartel, a metaguild and fund focused on NFTs and blockchain gaming founded by @flauwy, @e-rich1, @ricorose, and @r0llingh00d. CARTEL tokens owners govern the Cartel assets and are eligible to receive dividends from Cartel profits. More information about ONEUP-Cartel can be found here:
What a sneaky way to make a Splinterlands battle post. With style. 1!UP
I would suggest removing the #CTP tag though, not really a finance post.
Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd