Financial Freedom: Between Hope and Reality!


Financial Freedom: Between Hope and Reality!



I think everyone wants to be free from the financial problems that surround us like an anaconda wrapped around a calf... Often we are hit by circumstances, not even a few lose their minds because of it.

Keeping the above in mind, it is important for us even as early as possible to redesign the ruins and get out of trouble. Hive Blog or financial freedom, is the right term to represent the author's thoughts. Nest in the sense as one way we get out of financial problems for the future. I am sure of it. So planning from now on is important even though it is full of thistles and thorns at our every step and can be very painful to continue. But one word that saves, endure.

Financial freedom is everyone's dream, but finding and taking advantage of that opportunity is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. But we in this community, have found that opportunity. Patience and consistency become multifunctional keys to open many doors, one day.

Broadly speaking what I mean is where a person experiences financial freedom. That is, individuals have wealth that can meet all their needs without having to work harder. For those who have achieved financial freedom, the assets they own can generate money that is worth more than their living expenses. Therefore, it is important for you to know and understand this one financial principle.

Arranging and managing finances wisely, of course, must be done early on, it's no wonder that since childhood, parents have introduced how to save through a piggy bank. If applied seriously, slowly you will surely soon achieve that financial freedom. But what happens is the opposite, what is this?

Today, most of our millennial generation has an excessive lifestyle and indulges every desire at inopportune times so that they run out of money every time. But we don't need to be that pessimistic. Even so, financial freedom is not a difficult thing that cannot be achieved, you know. Then, how?

Actually it is very important for us to understand the existing financial condition. It's not a matter of a lot or a little income, but whether your income can finance all your needs. Therefore, understand your financial condition from now on such as income and expenses. In addition, estimate whether your income can pay off all expenses or not? In addition, you also have to know how many needs you have to meet in a month along with the details of the costs. This method is used to find out whether your income is greater than your expenses or vice versa. That way, you can determine your financial goals for the future. If expenses are greater than income, then you cannot achieve financial freedom, especially if you have a consumptive nature and often buy luxury goods. Well, to achieve financial freedom, you must start learning to save and prepare a financial budget wisely. The problem is by compiling a budget, you and your partner will be able to find out what are the important and needed needs. You can discuss with your partner and start compiling a budget from the most important and most needed, such as paying installments, buying groceries and so on. That way, expenses become more organized and financial conditions remain stable.

Then we have to look for additional income like most people in this community, apart from working they also invest either directly or indirectly according to the concept they each design, and several other additions beyond that. As long as it doesn't interfere with your main job. The more money you seek, the faster you will achieve financial freedom. So my advice, choose a smart investment. You know, the value of the money you have today will not be the same in five years. This is because of inflation. If you deposit money in a bank, its value will decrease due to tax breaks, inflation to administrative costs, and so on. Another case if you invest, because the value of money will continue to grow. Therefore, do not let your money be saved continuously.

You can choose several investment instruments, such as investments in Hive, stocks, gold, and property. Of course, every investment instrument has its own risks. That way, you can learn about it first before investing. Above all, I think maintaining a simple lifestyle is important. That is, if it's not important, don't buy it. Generally, someone who adopts a simple lifestyle will more quickly achieve financial freedom. If you adhere to a simple lifestyle, then the money will not just run out because the lifestyle is too high. Then if you have debts or installment bills, try to pay them off when the nominal amount is sufficient. Income from assets owned can at least cover debt. That way, financial freedom will be easily achieved. Then, in addition to managing finances per month, you also have to distinguish between savings and emergency funds. Savings is money that you save for the long term, while for an emergency fund, the funds are deliberately allocated for unexpected expenses, such as medical treatment and vehicle service... If you can't tell the difference, then your savings will be wasted.

Then, for those of you who have a credit card, have you controlled your expenses and installment payments? As is known, credit cards must be used wisely and as needed. If you can, you don't need to use a credit card at all. To be more organized, you should use cash to buy goods. Do not let you depend on the use of credit cards.

So the next suggestion might be an afterthought, whatever type of work you do, then do it with all your heart. If you work hard, it will lead you to financial freedom. Financial freedom isn't about getting rich, it's about making life easier. When you develop your potential, career prospects will be more promising.

Indeed, in going through it all, we slowly learn to be more patient individuals, especially for those of you who are struggling with managing financial conditions. If you are patient, then you will be on the right track. You don't have to worry if you can only invest a small amount. Later, this number will increase if done correctly, consistently, and patiently. Of course! The steps to achieve financial freedom are not easy to do, but all of them can be realized if you have a strong determination. What matters most is how much hard work and effort you put into achieving freedom. And, few people are patient...!!

Love, Seha76!

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