New Tunes 2019


Hello music lovers! 🎡🎧🎡

It took me a while to write this post (which will be followed by a few more like it). Namely, for the last four years, I've been posting in the Music community regularly, weekly (almost), under the hashtag #newtunes, mostly new releases from well-known and lesser-known music artists.

I think many Hive users write regularly about their progress, their goals, how they are achieving them, how many tokens they have saved or invested, and so on.
I'm just a blogger, music lover, content creator, and curator. I'm not even very good at finance. So I took a different path.

Since we're on the subject of music and new songs, I've done the math: I'm currently at 127th weekly #newtunes post. In each post, I then add links to all the previous ones. And now it's slowly becoming opaque, with more links to past posts than content :) 😁

newtunes2019 | newtunes2020 | newtunes2021
newtunes2022 | newtunes2023 | newtunes2024

I had to do something to keep everything connected and past tracks available to listen to anywhere, anytime, and to reduce/optimize the content of each new release. So, please see this post as something more personal.

I'd like to thank @steevc for his help (5% beneficiary), he used his script to capture/compile/grep/whatever the band names and songs from all the #newtunes posts, and then I used it all to make Spotify playlists for each year.
It took a while, but now it's sorted :)

Here's the first one, the shortest, from 2019, when I started posting New Tunes in December, where I only had three posts. 11 songs, 1 hour, and 10 minutes of playtime.




Link to playlist newtunes2019

newtunes2019 | newtunes2020 | newtunes2021
newtunes2022 | newtunes2023 | newtunes2024

And here are the links to the weekly posts in 2019

25.12.2019, 15.12.2019, 30.11.2019


Stay Healthy!

NFT Showroom Gallery
3Speak Channel
Photo Manipulation
Beer Tasting

Ready for Web3

0.036 PAL


I'm happy to help. It was an interesting exercise.


0.000 PAL

Thank you very much for your help. As I mention, it takes a lot of time on my side to put everything on Spotify. !BEER

0.001 PAL