Roaming on familiar Waters - Monomad Challenge


Hail to the Hive!

We have recently moved narrowboat Cygnet into more familiar territory and are firmly ( can you be firmly on the water?) back on home turf ( again is that possible on the water?).


As we move closer and closer to the centre of Leicester, the city I grew up in, I have been touching base with lots of very good, very old ( we are all getting very grey) friends. It’s been very good for me to see these people and take the time to have a good chat with them individually rather than in a group setting.

Because we have taken our time traveling through the Leicestershire countryside I have been able to have that individual time with each of them and have a real catch up. I realise I have some very good, very deep connections and affections. I am very lucky in that regard. Solid, strong meaningful friendships are a rare thing and to have the tried and tested brethren and sistren that I have is heartwarming. i have literally mined friendship gold over the years.

I believe your true friends are not just supportive but genuinely happy if you are happy no matter what your life choices were and current circumstances are. The people you’ve known that are ‘ friendly’ with you but always seem to feel they are in some sort of competition in life with you are really not truly your friends. They see you as a rival.

It’s hard for me not to get a little nostalgic when passing through the old neighborhood, as even the canals in Leicester were my playground as a youth and memories do come flooding back. It makes me smile.


I do need to post an update of our recent journey soon so feel free to hustle me in the comments to do so. I do need a kick up the backside sometimes! Even literally 😂

Love a bit of #monomad 😜



1.404 PAL