Boat Hunted - Monomad Challenge
Hail to the Hive!
Well hivers as many of you are aware myself and @millycf1976 have been looking to get another boat since we sold our little Narrowboat Badger last year. It's been an interesting time with trips to Jamaica to see family and a extended trip to Egypt to explore and go diving but the past months have been spent saving, searching and viewing porential new floating homes.
Now with limited funds available we are still not in a position to get a boat as big as we would like but after much seatching we have stumbled across Badgers slightly larger replacement.
Narrowboat Cygnet!
On the day we first viewed her we had actually booked to view 2 other boats, both of which were not what we were looking for but Alex, the marina guy, said another had just come in that wasn't advertised yet. So we took a peek and instantly we both got a really good feeling.
The layout wasn't what we were looking for but we were both surprised by how much more room and stotage space there was in comparrison to Badger, even though she wasn't much bigger in length. Just goes to show the old saying 'it's not how big it is , it's what you do with it that counts 😉' is as relevant as ever.
So after a few days of back and forth haggling we came to an agreement and have now purchased Narrowboat Cygnet.
We are both very excited and as you can see @millycf1976 is very pleased to have her new home on the water 😁.
In the coming week I will have a proper post done going through our floating home thoroughly once we are settled in so you can all have a nosy around.
I know you want to have a good look around 😁.
Hi @scubahead,
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cheers guys!
Hells yeah, looking forward to seeing more narrowboat adventures. Out of idle curiosity, how much does a narrowboat set you back these days?
Oooh you can spend as little as 15k to as much as 150k and higher. Depends on length
, age and what the fit out is like.
Ah, gotcha. Pretty sure when I finally make it over yonder thataway I'm going to have to spend a while floating around on one. Was afraid they'd be something like RVs are here but it doesn't sound quite that bad.
Where do you plan on sailing the boat?
Canals and rivers of the UK kinda like we did before except wemay have a permernant mooring this time
thanks @ackhoo 😁
Congrats on your new home!
thanks 😁as you can see in the pic, someone is happy to be afloat again
I feel kinda short lookin' out those 1st 2 photo graphs & who's that coo girl in the picture with that great smile?
clearly an intruder. Always seem to get cool girls on my narrowboats 😂
[Laughter], it's funny how that happens
Nice to see Cam smiling
Oh yeah. Nosy effers we are...
We envy that lifestyle. Sooo jellyous...