Vibes Web3 Music competition Week 12 [He saved me] Cover song by @scottykriz
👋🏾Hello everyone
It's vibes web3 music competition Week #12. My name is @scottykriz on Hive blog.
Today I'd like to present a very nice song titled "HE SAVED ME".
A song I heard a very long time ago while I was in school, junior secondary school to be precise. I like the song so much that I got to start singing it after just one time of hearing the song, we were in general FCS one Sunday in the school main hall and it was time for all groups to make their presentation and this particular group which was not really the FCS choir but had something relating to songs ministration, they were like Christ singers something like that. It's a very long time so it's kind of hard to properly recall, it came time for them to make their presentation and they presented this song I got so obsessed with the song that i was wishing i could listen to it over and over again but did get the chance as it was just a one time presentation that why from my introduction in the video I said I don't really know the matter mind behind this melody. Today I'm presenting a copy write of that same song "a copy write because my lyrics could be having much of editing from the original song I heard that particular day.
I believe you guys will enjoy my song cover. Thanks for having me "Stay blessed.
he saved me he saved me he saved me he saved me
he saved me he saved me he saved me he saved me
amazing Grace how sweet as the sound
that give a sign that sail the sea
I once was lost but now I'm found
oh I was blind but now I see
Ahlele mama
Ahlele mama
Ahlele mama
Ahlele mama
he saved me he saved me oh he saved me he saved me
he saved me he saved me oh he saved me he saved me
he saved me he saved me ah amazing amazing grace
How sweet as the sound
that give the sign that sail the sea
I once was lost but now I'm found
oh I was blind but now I see
▶️ 3Speak
Good stuff Man ..!! ( Just a small Suggestion , For next one try using a backing track. Overall it will help with the sound )
Nice song and nice voice too
Good job 👏
Thanks my dear