


Growing up in the hood with deferent lifestyle one could be exposed to, you come to find things your feelings could get madly attached to which probably won't be really necessary but still can't let go of the love for such things.

Talking about the hood and how it relates to my point of concentration is because there on the streets you find yourself in the meast of Different species of people with different styles.

Nike is a clothing brand that has a good relationship with streets due to their pattern/styles of design.



I used to love music so much and it has been since from my early days, for someone who's really in love with music and cycler at that, most times you have an artist you would want to regard as your favorite music artist which in short is called fave" for me back then till now my favorite artist is Wizkid. A Afro pop artist highly regarded in the Nigerian music industry, I love his music so much that I could mim most of his songs then.



This favorite artist of mine had his "Stitches" in a normal English terms it is supposed to be seen as bandages used to cover injury but in the street terms it was something totally different because it was regarded as lifestyle or way of behavior and dressing code etc.



There used to be a particular shoe I will always see him wear in most of his videos and pictures I came across. It's a nice shoe with the way it's always balanced on his foot and how it flows with most of his dress. The shoes were so attractive in my eyes that I couldn't stop thinking about it or fantasizing it's on my foot.



Nike airforce one is the name of this particular shoe. I admire this shoe for as long as I could remember and then it comes a day I was opportune to see this shoe in reality, my expression was like WOW it actually looks cute even though it was not really the original.
In my heart I told myself this shoe has to be own by me someday but has God made it till date I have so much love for the shoe but still haven't own it yet.



I had a friend who later got a pair of those same Nike shoes for himself and that even got me very happy and a little bit jealous because it's a shoe I have always dreamt of having has my personals. But I believe a time will come that I will own mine and I believe it will come with more goodies and blessings with it. The fact that I can't afford any at the moment still did not stop me from being happy for my friend and I believe God will open doors for me to get mine someday.
This is particularly how I got to fall in love with Nike clothing brand.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and going through my post. Much appreciated 🖤🌹🙏🏾.
See you next time .

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