Finally played my saxophone at church last sunday


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Hello friends
I hope you all are having fun

So, I finally played sax at church this Sunday
I'm actually a pianist in my church, I was employed as a pianist so I didn't want them to know I also play saxophone. I just don't want them to take advantage of it since I was employed as a pianist only.

One day a member of the church saw me playing sax on my WhatsApp, she immediately spread the news among other members including the Pastor.
To cut the long story short, the music director told me the Pastor want me to play sax on Sunday 😪
I was like 🙄 who will play the keyboard, brother Crown will play it she said. Brother Crown 😩? She said brother crown has little idea, i will just have to show him what to play on the keyboard. 🤦 i agrue for sometime, then i later gave up. This is exactly what have been trying to avoid, i have to start teaching brother Crown what to play then i play along with him. At the end of the day, i actually loved the performance. and it was beautiful.The people really like it too

thsnks for your time

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0.000 PAL


Hola 🤗 saxo me alegra mucho que tocar tu instrumento en la iglesia te sea de gran bendición para seguir creciendo cada día más y más 👍 cuando es para agradar a Dios. Bendiciones.

0.000 PAL

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