Say The Truth, No Matter What!


Growing up as a little girl, I stayed with my parents, Aunties and older sister and there were so many times something went wrong in the house and the best person they felt would fit in as the culprit was my little, innocent self. 😊

Things would go missing in the house, or get spoilt and on so many occasions, I was accused of being responsible for all of them.

There was one that really stood out for me.
In this case, (if you were raised by African parents, you'd perfectly understand) I was seriously flooged by my Mum for something I didn't even have a clue about.

I was doing something in the kitchen one day, I think I was doing the dishes and I was asked to boil water on the gas cooker.
You know, we have these gas cookers that come separately from the cylinder and in this case, the knot that was used to turn on and off the cooker pulled off so we were using a certain screw driver in place of it.

My Mum had warned that we should only use that particular screw driver to turn it on and off and no other utensil like spoon, fork or sticks should be used because they were damaging the ignition.

Being very passionate mothers towards her cooking utensils, my Mum came to the kitchen and noticed the ignition was more damaged than it was in the morning.

She became very angry and charged at me with her big wooden spatula.
At first, I didnt know it would get to that level so when she asked me why the cooker ignition had gone bad, I simply said I didn't know how it happened. I met it that same way it was when I came to the kitchen to wash the dishes and boil water.

My Mum didn't believe a word I said. She said I was lying and for my sake, I should tell her the truth if not she would skin me alive(she had already started 🥲). At this point, I knew it wasn't a trivial matter for her at all.

I pleaded with her that I wasn't the one who did it but you know how a typical African mother would react, she still didn't believe me. She even said that if I didn't tell her the truth she wouldn't stop beating me. So, I thought to myself, "Was I now going to lie that I did it just so she could stop beating me? Or what if I eventually lie that I was the one who did it and she goes back on her words and beat me even more?" I was confused about what to say so I just stood there crying and begging her.

After the incident, I was traumatised. It even made me not want to talk to my Mum because I was so angry that she beat me black and blue for something I knew nothing about but after reporting what happened to my Dad, he told me not to be angry with her. He said she only acted based on her impulses and encouraged me to always tell the truth, no matter what and who was asking.

That was one big lesson I learnt all my life. Did similar incidents like this happen again? Yes they did but I had learnt to say the truth always. 😇

That'd be all for now....

Till next time beautiful soul... ❤️❤️

This is my response to the Hive Learners Weekly Engagement Prompt, you can have fun checking it out!!

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Wow,so sorry about that. African mums for you. At times you would even wonder if they were beating You because of the issue at hand or there is something else.


Your dad must be a nice man , some African children cant even talk to their Dad, let alone report one mother


Yes oh, my Dad is the reverse of my Mum. He's the calm one and my Mum is the hot one, perfect fitting for me 😇🥰

Thank you for stopping by dear.
