Philosophy of education


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Education as a formative process of the various societies in the history of mankind has evolved as a training phenomenon that has been disintegrating the various theories encompassed under a perspective of rationalism, where the education of mankind struggles to have an evolution towards a better teaching pedagogy that facilitates the diversity of learning in a demand of increasingly demanding students because of how attached they are to technology and its advances.

The philosophy of education has a critical sense when it is seen individually and analytically by each individual where it feels contributor to find anticipated elements of philosophy of education, where it is convenient to evaluate the contributions of the pioneers in ancient philosophy as Plato; Aristotle, since the current educational perspective does not take us so far away from a current modern education to those ancient educational principles governed by philosophy.

We can give opening to the pedagogy and educational theories that will govern the educational principles for the remainder of existence, differentiated only the technological advancement with which may be accompanied by that feeling of philosophy of education.

As a conclusion I can deduce that each one of us can be participants in building the philosophy of education adapted to the new times, where education becomes something more than a discipline, where the societies involved are clear about the purposes for which they are educated and the educational functioning in which they can be absorbed as a complementary society.
