Nuremberg Code, Dr Robert Malone & the end times beast



The main argument which prevents the actions of our governments from being in violation of the Nuremberg Code is that covid 'vaccines' are not experimental. There is also the small issue of voluntary and informed consent which is easily thrown out when listening to the testimonials of the vaccine injured who speak in one voice about how they felt under pressure to take it and were not made aware of the dangers. So, that would be the opposite of voluntary informed consent!

When I googled the Nuremberg Code question I was presented with this article which firstly points out this:

the Nuremberg Code is no longer used to guide research ethics. The World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki replaced it in 1964.

Who knew?

Regardless, they go on to justify the actions of our governemts here:


While this does sound very definitive & reassuring, it goes directly against a recent statement made by the man whose mRNA technology has been used to create ALL these 'vaccines'.

Dr Robert Malone has been speaking out since the beginning against the way in which his new & untested product is being forced on people. But now that children are dying from it he felt particularly moved to make this message, directing it specifically at parents.


He makes a small error in his speech (despite his efforts to avoid this!) around 1min 23sec he uses the words "parent's cells" in place of the words "child's cells".

In summary, he believes a minimum of five years is needed before we can know if his product is safe for humans. By definition we are therefore still in the testing stages of this drug's development and it can absolutely be called experimental! Only when it can be conclusively declared safe is it no longer an experiment.

Giving a drug emergency use authorisation does not prove its safety. Rather it just protects the manufacturers from liability.

When looking at the Vaers website it is possible to verify that more unborn babies have died in the last year (as a direct result of their mother being vaccinated) than in the last 30 years. And I think you can guess which particular 'vaccine' is having this effect on women. Here is a video which does a decent job at covering how you might find these figures yourself.


Despite this shocking truth (which would normally create uproar and an immediate termination of the vaccine roll-out) institutions like the BBC are clearly advising pregnant women to take the covid jab as a way to protect their unborn babies.

Sickening stuff I think you will agree. Though it is easier to understand when viewed from a biblical perspective.


Positioned outside the main office of the U.N. (who are largely responsible for global decisions and events such as the Nuremberg Trails) this statue has sparked controversy since its unveiling a few weeks ago from Christians who recognised the creature as the end times beast described by Daniel and John The Apostle.

Daniel chapter 7:2-4 describes the beast with the body of a lion and wings of an eagle:

Daniel spake and said, "I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.
The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings."

While the Apostle John described a beast with similar features in the New Testament passage in Revelation 13:2.

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

But don't worry, am sure it's just a coincidence right?

If only.

More and more it is becoming evident that what we are experiencing now is a battle between light & dark. The powers of evil have positioned themselves at the top of every industry, government & institution and they are so confident now that they are able to flaunt it in our face without reprisal.

If you are still confused about what the mark of the beast could be, you may want to take a look at what's coming down the pipeline next.


As always folks I recommend using this time wisely, doing everything you can to prepare for a future in which you will ultimately be forced to decide between taking the mark of the beast or exiting society.

In the end, we will be victorious of course, but this will not be achieved by burying our heads in the sand. And the excuse that you were just following orders will not wash with the judges of the next Nuremberg style trial.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


(please view using the peakd interface if you are unable to view the videos in this post)


Those links don't work for me, but 100% upvote based on the picture of that creepy rainbow manticore thing!
I find it fascinating Western scientists said the Nuremberg Code was only necessary to restrain barbarians, as nobody in their right mind would break any of those 10 rules. Only depraved tyrannical monsters would need to be held back by such basic laws, they said. Why even bother?
Now, every tenet of that Code is being broken!


Do you happen to know which decentralised video hosting platforms work for embedding films on Assuming that's what you are using. It is frustrating you are not able to see these extremely important videos which very often confirm what I am saying in the post.

Hadn't heard of a manticore till now and WTF!!!! That thing is mad. Hope I never bump into one of them!

As for the Code, it feels to me as if the same Nazi minds who were responsible for WW2 atrocities & eugenics ideas have been employed since then to figure out ways to get around the Code and continue their experiments on a mass scale. And certainly, looking at where we are today, I would say they have achieved it with notable success.


I think you're quite right!

Most likely it's the platform to blame, I am told I should switch everything over to peakd. If I do that, it probably won't matter what host you're using. I think Odysee and 3Speak embed properly here on, but don't change for me. If it's important I can use the name to look it up, normally I can find something unless it's a personal upload or really obscure.

