My Planned Short Walk Became More Interesting as I was Able to have a Take Home of Fresh Fish and a Bottle Gourd.



I'm doing a lot of walking now because I want to improve my stamina a little bit more. I don't want to force myself to get better faster, so I do it slowly but surely. Doing it fast is not the answer, and it's not like I'm in a hurry. I just do it at my own pace, and I am glad the oldies and mama were very supportive of me. And not because I am a little strong now, I should be irresponsible and just do what I want, like attending the 65th Founding Anniversary of Bansud tonight in the Town Plaza. No, no, no! I am a very mature woman, I don't do things that might result in something bad later, no wayyyyy (✿^‿^). I will not, I will, I should, err, should I? I guess I'll just let it pass today without attending then ಥ‿ಥ.


Anyhow, yesterday, I accompany Mama to the market as she wants to buy feeds for her chickens. Whoa, they get to have snacks while I can only have a banana ರ_ರ, but we'll, it's not like I'm complaining - banana is so much healthier than feeds, you know, lol.

So it's 4:30 in the afternoon, the sun is slowly sinking, and it's not itchy to the skin anymore, which is why that time is the perfect time for a walk. And actually, when I told Mama that I would come with her here, she asked me why and why I decided to do so. But I told her that I just wanted to. But aside from wanting to improve my stamina, another reason why I decided to go with her is that I want to see if I'll find something new along the way, as I planned to share it here. And our amazing nature didn't let me down, as I saw something pretty on the way.

This plant grew on its own in our backyard before, but then Mama decided to take it down. She calls this Dulce Kumot, but through Google Lens, I found out that it is a Stinking Passion Flower. Even though its name is pretty, wait until you see it bloom. How I wish I could observe its growth, but the house where this grass grows is a bit far from us. And it's not like I can just do that in someone's house, they may suspect me of being a stalker, you know, lol. I only want to stalk this plant, but not the owner, whoever they are, lolol.

We continued our walk when I noticed something carved in this tree. It looks like a number combination to me, you know, like those numbers used in Jueteng (if you know what I mean). I see some kubrador or those who collect bets from different people that hang out on this part because not far from here is a house where the Juetengs operators operate. Mama is also one of their bettors, as she used a small amount to bet. Well, she's not really lucky on it, sadly.

But anyway, the main reason I came with Mama was to really just enjoy the walk. But I never thought that I'd see some of my favorite fish and that I'd have to take them home. I can't help it, I got it for a cheap price, and it is so fresh. So I didn't hesitate to buy some. It's a good thing, though, that I put cash in my pocket. I love this fish, especially if it's fried or cooked with vinegar and salt, but I'm not really sure about its name. I just love to eat, eh (≧▽≦).

And because fried fish is really good with vegetables, I also add this big Upo or bottle gourd, to my basket. It's really big, I think it is more than half a kilo, maybe ¾ and I got it only for 25 php or $0.43, so cheap, right? Ahhh, this short journey to the market is seriously very useful. By the way, have you already tried bottle gourd? What dishes have you tried this on then? Care to share it to us?

And today, I cooked the bottle gourd and mixed sotanghon in it - some kind of noodles made with either potato, mung bean starch, or tapioca starch. We're supposed to put fish on it, but we decided to just put a boiled egg in it. It tasted so good that I ate more of it with a bit of rice. Then, as a side dish, I also have a dip sauce made from vinegar, which, of course, is for the fried fish. And now I'm full, thanks to these amazing foods.


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0.024 PAL


Oh the fish and the gourd look like a tasty combo. I wish I could get hours old fresh fish from the market. I have to go catch them myself. 🤔 Should I visit the fishies today? 😁

0.000 PAL

You should go and just catch it yourself, its more fun that way and I'm sure you'll feel more satisfied that way, no? Haha

0.000 PAL

I went to the Nishnabotna River which I call the Nish. I fished the Nish but got no fish haha

0.000 PAL