A Short Trip to Pick Up Shop with Mama: In Search for a Transparent Mug for My Newly Bought Sencha Tea



I just bought a tea online, it's a Sencha Tea. I am trying to avoid caffeine and milk now, so I decided to try a tea. And if we have tea, isn't a pretty mug or cup fitting for that? And so, yesterday, together with Mama, who's also wanting to buy a new slipper, we embarked on a short trip to buy a mug and a slipper. It's really just a short trip because we just went to the pick-up shop.

That building in the photo is the Pick-Up Shop, really just close to where we live. And that's Mama. We saw a dog on the way, I think he has its owner because he ran somewhere, maybe to go back home. He is kind of shy, I'm trying to get his attention by calling him Chuchuy, but he just ran away. If only he were not shy, I would want to caress his hair. His hair looks really smooth.

So we're already inside, Mama went ahead immediately to the footwear section. I followed here because I also feel like buying a new slipper, haha. Mama check first the slippers while I also do the same. But seeing that some of the slippers here are also the same as the ones we saw months ago, I suddenly lost interest. The only thing that changed was their price, which was much higher than on our last visit.

But we found a really good style of slipper, Mama too, she is actually trying to find a slipper with a spike. I mean, what is called again, a rheumatic slipper, I think? With a spike or whatever, haha. But she couldn't find anything, but she found this one, which she really likes too, but she doesn't like the price, saying it's too expensive now. I found one too, for myself, but I didn't like the price either. In the end, Mama didn't buy because she said she would just buy in Novo, which is another shop but located in Pinamalayan.

I saw another pretty slipper, they call it the Crocs slipper, but this is, I think, just a cheap copy of the original. Even I want to buy that. I saw lots of people wearing it in the Philippines, from kids to adults, and I think it is really cute. I found out its price, and I thought it was too much for me. I'm really "kuripot," so of course $5+ for a slipper is too much.

Moving on, while we're going to where the kitchen wares are, we pass by these cute bags. Those backpacks are really pretty, I love their color. But I just bought a sling bag online last month, so I can't really add a new bag now. Sad, they are really cute, but I didn't check their price because I didn't really have the plan to buy them.

So these are the mugs available in their shop. They are located on the farthest corner. Their mugs are cute and pretty, but I actually want a transparent one, and it's available here. They have wine glasses, but it's not like we can use that for tea or coffee. It should be transparent, small, and with a holder. Too bad it's not available. I should check some online, or maybe when we visit Pinamalayan, I can check them in Novo.

We stayed a little longer in this shop to check out other items, like shoes, undergarments, and more. We saw these while checking, and at first, I thought they were a flower vase. It could be, right? It's glassware, so it could be, but can I use this to drink water? Hahahaha. They all look pretty, though, it's the kind that you can often see in the big houses of some wealthy people (≧▽≦).

After staying a bit longer, we then decided to exit, in the end, we couldn't find anything that we could buy. There is, but they are really out of the budget, aigooo.

We then stop by the wet market to see if we can find fresh fish. We couldn't find anything, so we ended up buying vegetables for lunch. And look how crazy the weather was at that time. It is too hot, and I only have my cap. When I finally get home, I feel so exhausted. And today, it's been raining all day, which is really the opposite of yesterday's weather. Gosh! What's happening to the world. I hope y'all had lovely weather today.


Lead Image Edited in Canva.


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Ay window shopping lang pala. Too bad they have the same slippers but the prices increased. luh ha


Hahaha, halata pati na luma na yong ibang slipper nila, naninilaw na ay aguy
