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I'm really digging Watches and Watching Women but the Aliens stole my other watch , doesn't suck is better than feeling fear, loathing and depression on sight of your finished work.
I'm happy you managed to get your thumb into the finished piece. Was it painful removing it?
I'm a Big Fan of your work.
I think I've run out of things to say for the minute.
In all seriousness Nice one!
0.004 PAL
You read the text! :D I should have written riddles instead of nonsense. Hmph. An opportunity wasted.
No fear or loath this time but there's always the next post.
One, two. Hmph. Trying again. One, two. Hmph. One, two... Yes. I'm quite sure. One and two. I appear to have two thumbs so the obvious conclusion is that it wasn't my thumb after all! Do you have two thumbs? Or perhaps I should ask, are you missing one? Is it yours?
Thank you Big Fan!!!