Happiness is not in the future, it is in the moment


Hello dear #hive readers and #gems community
If we want to live a happy and peaceful life by learning from the mistakes we have made in life, all we have to do is focus on what we want to do and hold on to our dreams.

What are the prerequisites for a happy life

Happiness is hidden in the moment, and we can never find happiness unless we can live the moment unless we realize it.
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We dream, we hope, we fall and we get up. These are the immutable rules of life.

The first step towards happiness is to shape our environment.

We are social creatures that cannot live independently of the environment.

Our thoughts and behaviors are always shaped and questioned by the society, and we feel responsible for the society we live in.

If the people around us do not have positive thoughts and are driving us away from our dreams, there is only one thing to do, and that is to get rid of that environment or the environment or the people around us.

We learn many things in life by making mistakes.
Even science grows by feeding on mistakes, experiments, observations, facts. Due to our nature, many of our values ​​and judgments are made up of our experiences.

I'm not afraid to make mistakes

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It is not possible for us to make mistakes, we will always make mistakes, but being aware is the most important thing.

We should be grateful for everything we have.


  • We need to know that nothing in life can make us happy when we do not appreciate the value of a breath we take and a bite of bread.*

You can read my last post abouth we are not super heros relax@rsntpl/we-are-not-superheroes-relax

I would be happy if you support my article, vote and comment. See you in my next post, stay healthy and peaceful.
