My Entry - Shadow Hunter Community Contest Round #215 : Cat
hi all friends of the Shadow Hunter community how are you this afternoon may we all be given health and beautiful days, today I am back again in the following entry with a picture of a cat sunbathing, I see in front of my house there is a cat sunbathing during the day and I see perfect shadows when the sun is shining during the day, the shadows remind me of the shadow hunter contest run by @melinda0110100, so I captured a picture of a cat sitting in the sun to participate in this contest.
Greetings to all from
0.002 PAL
Hola, @rosniar. Muy bonitas las fotos. Los gatos son modelos por naturaleza. A{un cuando ellos te vean acercarse con tu cámara o celular rara vez se retirarán, simplemente cambiaran de pose. En cambio, los perros huyen...y tan bellos que son tambén. Gracias por regresar y compartir estas imágenes. Éxito en el concurso.
Hi @rosniar. Very nice photos. Cats are models by nature. Even when they see you approach with your camera or cell phone, they will rarely back away, they will simply change their pose. Instead, the dogs run away...and so beautiful they are too. Thank you for coming back and sharing these images. Success in the contest.
Thank you sister @dyorne
Very nice cat shadows you hunt! Thanks for your participation in the Shadow hunters contest! 👏 😎
Great shadow photos! Thanks for entering the shadow contest. 🌞