Tips to stay healthy.


Tips to stay healthy.

The first thing I would like to tell you is to think for a moment if you really value your health, I think many times we take it for granted that our health will always be there and we don't value it until we lose it and if we think for a moment without health, Well, we would have nothing because the moment we stop being healthy, everything we have built in our lives is going to collapse.

So that's why I wanted to make this publication for you, to share these things that I do that I'm sure have kept me healthy in the last three and a half years, which is since then that I haven't gotten sick at all.

The first thing I do is that I am very aware of the toxins to which I am exposed, unfortunately much of the food we eat has been treated with pesticides or other toxic chemicals, also the water we drink because it has chlorine it has heavy metals and other things, Or, for example, the cleaning products that we use and personal hygiene, because there are also many chemicals that we end up breathing or worse still, putting them on our skin.

Also many times we do not realize that we ourselves are the ones who are creating this toxicity in our space, the candles that we light have toxins because it is paraffin, it is a derivative of petroleum, also the wick that is used has lead or we also use sprays in spray to make our space smell good and we don't stop to think that the only thing we are doing is throwing more toxic in our home.

Point number 2 is to exercise, exercising is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, I know that when we are young we do not stop to think about the future, but if we want to reach adulthood the best thing we can do is start developing this habit and do it daily, I know that many times we have other things to do but even going for a walk once a week is better than doing nothing, because if we think about it even once a week it would be equivalent to 52 sessions in a year, which, as I said before, is much better than zero.

When we exercise we improve our immune system, our hormones are regulated and we increase our respiratory capacity and maintain our muscle mass. If we don't have muscle mass it will be very difficult for us to move, because those muscles are what move our skeleton.

If you can I would like to recommend that you go for a walk at least once a week, if you have mastered that I would like to suggest that you do resistance exercises at home like squats and also good if you have already done that you are looking to enter a gym and do exercises with weights, because that helps our bones stay strong and maintain our muscle mass, which is going to translate into our body becoming more efficient when it comes to burning calories and we're also going to be able to move more easily through life .

Point number 3 is to eat a healthy diet, I'm not going to go into this much because I realize that when I mention that I am vegan or that I eat a plant-based diet, many people react negatively and I understand perfectly well, because I was a carnivore or I was a carnivore for a long time and well, every time someone mentioned veganism to me, I reacted, but then I investigated and realized that this meat I was eating was not the best for my body.

The only thing I would like to ask you here is to investigate a little more, how the meat you eat is produced, if those birds or chickens you eat have been treated with antibiotics or hormones and also to ask yourself if these animals were sick before they were killed and to consume them, because many times these animals are raised in a very irresponsible way and those hens are in very small spaces and end up getting sick just like the cows that we eat well because they live under stress, they are treated very badly and many of them are sick and unfortunately that is the meat we eat.

This point is nothing more than an invitation to investigate a little more and perhaps to try to reduce their meat consumption, both for their health and for the environment and to see how they feel.

The next point is to start meditating, I know this may sound very complicated, but in truth it is super simple, just sit in our living room, ten five minutes and do absolutely nothing, if we start thinking about certain things the only thing we can do it is observing these thoughts without judging them and letting them flow.

Meditating has many benefits such as, for example, it reduces the levels of cortisol that our body produces when we are stressed and this cortisol is a hormone that weakens our immune system, so when we meditate we get rid of or reduce this cortisol and that makes us calmer and our immune system is stronger, it also helps us reduce our blood pressure, improve our mood and even sleep better.

I really hope that these tips will be of some use to you, please take them and apply them in your life and see how it improves your quality of life and how little you will get sick, I promise you that if you do this you will feel super well, they will have more energy during the day, they will look better and they will feel better, which in the end I think is what we are all looking for, well I say goodbye, thanks for being here.


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