Jujutsu Kaisen First Season Review [ENG-ESP]

Source / Fuente

Greetings, friends of The Anime Realm! I’m pleased to greet you once again and to be able to share my impressions about an anime that has caused good impressions in recent years; it is Jujutsu Kaisen, a series belonging to the dark fantasy and supernatural adventure genre by mangaka Gege Akutami, whose first season was aired in 2020.

When I learned that the plot of this series revolved around sorcery and spiritism it immediately caught my attention and I knew I was going to get hooked with the story, since the dark fantasy genre is one of my favorites along with mystery.

¡Saludos, amigos de The Anime Realm! Me complace saludarles una vez más y poder compartir mis impresiones sobre un anime que ha causado buenas impresiones en los últimos años; se trata de Jujutsu Kaisen, una serie perteneciente al género fantasía oscura y aventura sobrenatural del mangaka Gege Akutami, cuya primera temporada fue emitida en el año 2020.

Cuando supe que la trama de esta serie giraba en torno a la hechicería y el espiritismo inmediatamente llamó mi atención y sabía que me iba a enganchar con la historia, ya que el género de fantasía oscura es una de mis favoritas junto con el misterio.

Source / Fuente

In general terms, the plot of this animated series tells us that living beings emanate an energy that is born from their negative emotions and that is uncontrollable for them, from this so-called cursed energy arise evil spiritual beings and demons.

To counteract this threat, there are sorcerers or shaman masters, specialized in cursed techniques capable of controlling the flow of negative energy, these sorcerers are divided into categories, thus determining their range of power and skills.

En términos generales el argumento de esta serie animada nos indica que los seres vivos emanan una energía que nace de sus emociones negativas y que es incontrolable para ellos, de esta energía denominada maldita surgen seres espirituales malvados y demonios.

Para contrarrestar esta amenaza, existen unos hechiceros o maestros chamanes, especializados en técnicas malditas capaces de controlar el flujo de energía negativa, estos hechiceros se dividen en categorías, determinando así su rango de poder y destrezas.

Official Trailer

The plot of the first season covers the introduction of the main character Yuji Itadori, a high school student who lives with his grandfather. Despite his incredible strength and physical ability he is interested in the occult over sports, which is why he joins the occult research club. One day on his deathbed, Yuji's ailing grandfather said some words to him that penetrated his mind, urging him to always help people, so that he would die surrounded by people who would appreciate him when his time came.

At that moment, a sorcerer named Megumi Fushiguro appeared to him, who informed him of the existence of a talisman in his school, a finger that attracts curses. Unable to defeat these curses, Yuji swallows the finger to protect those present, thus becoming the recipient of a powerful demon named Ryomen Sukuna, however, despite being possessed, Yuji still has some control of his body. Faced with this complicated situation Megumi and his teacher Satoru Gojo, take him to the school of sorcerers in Tokyo to carry out a plan that I will not tell you not to make too much spoiler.

La trama de la primera temporada abarca la introducción el personaje principal Yuji Itadori, un estudiante de bachillerato que vive con su abuelo. A pesar de su increíble fuerza y habilidad física a él le interesa el ocultismo por encima de los deportes, es por esta razón que une al club de investigación de lo oculto. Un día en su lecho de muerte el enfermo abuelo de Yuji le dijo unas palabras que calaron en su mente, lo exhortó a que siempre ayudara a la gente, para así morir rodeado de personas que lo apreciaran cuando le llegara su hora.

En eso se le aparece un hechicero llamado Megumi Fushiguro, quien le informa de la existencia de un talismán en su escuela, se trata de un dedo que atrae maldiciones. Al verse imposibilitado de derrotar a dichas maldiciones, Yuji se traga el dedo para proteger a los presentes, con lo que se convierte en el recipiente de un poderoso demonio llamado Ryomen Sukuna, sin embargo a pesar de estar poseído, Yuji aún tiene cierto control de su cuerpo. Ante esta complicada situación Megumi y su maestro Satoru Gojo, lo llevan a la escuela de hechiceros de Tokyo para llevar a cabo un plan que no les contaré para no hacer demasiado spoiler.

Source / Fuente

What I like most of what I have seen so far in the series are the stories behind the characters and the motivations of each one of them; it deals with clan disputes as well as personal situations that must be resolved. It is very interesting to see the special abilities, powers and battle weapons used by the sorcerers of the various schools to deal with the different curses and demons as they arise. If some of you reading this post have not seen it yet, I recommend you to watch this anime that is available on the Crunchyroll platform. See you soon!

Lo que más me gusta de lo que he visto hasta ahora en la serie son las historias detrás de los personajes y las motivaciones de cada uno de ellos; trata disputas de clanes así como situaciones personales que deben ser resueltas. Es muy interesante ver las habilidades especiales, poderes y armas de batalla que utilizan los hechiceros de las diversas escuelas para enfrentar las diferentes maldiciones y demonios que se van presentando. Si algunos de los que leen este post no la han visto aun, les recomiendo que se animen a ver este anime que está disponible en la plataforma Crunchyroll. Hasta aquí esta breve reseña. ¡Nos vemos pronto!

Created by: Gege Akutami
Director: Park Sung-hoo
Studio: MAPPA
Official Website
Translation: Deepl


I've seen a lot of posts about this series on social networks, basically I spoiled myself with those posts of almost everything haha but I find the plot it proposes interesting. I have not yet encouraged me to watch it for lack of time, but I have no doubt that it is very good, from what I've seen in reels and others is powerful 👀


I'm currently watching the second season and I've found it quite complex but interesting. I'm looking forward to the third season to see how the events unfold.


This is an anime that has become a phenomenon in this world, it has very interesting characters and at the same time the plot has complexities that give depth to the story, it is one of the best that has come out in recent years.

Thanks for sharing. See you soon!


I'm already looking forward to the third season to see how events unfold, in the second season there is a lot of action and some uncertainties.

See you guys soon!


un gran anime para mi jeje me encanta sobre todo satoru!

a great anime for me hehe i love it especially satoru!


Satoru y Megumi son mis dos personajes favoritos. Este anime aún tiene mucha tela que cortar.

Satoru and Megumi are my two favorite characters. This anime still has a lot of ground to cover.


Jujutsu Kaisen is called to be one of the best contemporary anime. The aniamtion is incredible but above all the construction of the characters is very top, all this is reinforced in the second season which is spectacular, much better than the first so I recommend it.


I'm watching the second season, I'm liking it, there's a lot going on.



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