Fuchsia Cardboard Flower ǀ Flor de Cartón Fucsia
Happy day, DIY Hub friends! Today I bring you a craft with recycled material. This is a beautiful flower made with toilet paper cartons. Join me to see the step by step.
¡Feliz día, amigos de DIY Hub! Hoy les traigo una manualidad con material reciclado. Se trata de una bonita flor realizada con cartones de papel higiénico. Acompáñenme a ver el paso a paso.

The materials we will need are / Los materiales que vamos a necesitar son:
6 cartons of toilet paper rolls / 6 cartones de rollos de papel higiénico
Paint and brush / Pintura y pincel
Scissors, white glue and liquid silicone / Tijeras, pega blanca y silicón líquido
Skewer sticks/ Palitos de brochetas

We start by flattening the cardboard roll and making 1.5 cm marks. We cut to obtain strips. We will need 4 strips for each petal of the flower.
Iniciamos aplanado el rollo de cartón y realizando unas marcas de 1,5 cm. Recortamos para obtener tiras. Necesitaremos 4 tiras por cada pétalo de la flor.

Now we are going to fold all the strips in half as shown in the image.
Ahora vamos a doblar todas las tiras por la mitad como vemos en la imagen.

We are going to glue 4 of these pieces overlapping them as shown in the image. We can use liquid or stick silicone. Once we have the petal we stretch it to take a more rounded shape.
Vamos a pegar 4 de estas piezas superponiéndolas como vemos en la imagen. Podemos utilizar silicón líquido o en barra. Una vez que tengamos el pétalo lo estiramos para que tome una forma más redondeada.

Then we place a piece of cardboard strip to form the tip of the petal.
Posteriormente le colocamos un trozo de tira de cartón para formar la punta del pétalo.

We join 3 petals first and when the piece dries well we join another 3 petals to form the flower of 6 petals in total.
Unimos 3 pétalos primeramente y cuando la pieza seque bien unimos otros 3 pétalos hasta formar la flor de 6 pétalos en total.

Now it's time to color this flower. I chose the color fuchsia. You can choose the color of your preference. We apply two coats of paint if necessary. I applied some homemade varnish that I made with equal parts white glue and water to give the piece more firmness and a touch of shine.
Llegó la hora de darle color a esta flor. Yo escogí el color fucsia. Ustedes pueden elegir el color de su preferencia. Damos dos capas de pintura de ser necesario. Yo le coloqué barniz casero que realicé con partes iguales pega blanca y agua para darle más firmeza a la pieza y un toque de brillo.

We are going to place some decorative beads in the center of the flower with the help of liquid silicone.
Vamos a colocar unas cuentas decorativas en el centro de la flor con la ayuda de silicón líquido.

Finally I placed a skewer stick as a support or stem of the flower.
Finalmente le coloqué un palito de brocheta como soporte o tallo de la flor.

And this is how our fuchsia flower looks like, made with recycled material and cold paint, simple but beautiful. I hope you liked this craft. See you soon.
Y así queda nuestra flor fucsia, hecha con material reciclado y pintura al frio, simple pero bonita. Espero que les haya gustado esta manualidad. Nos vemos pronto.

Instead if throwing it why not make this, this is so cool. Could be a cute decorations in the house 👏👏✨
That's right, we can reuse these materials and make nice crafts. Thanks so much for passing by.
This is amazing and beautiful,the detailed step is really good and your final result is outstanding. Indeed you are a good creative person and I admire your work for that. Bravo and well done
I really appreciate your words. I'm glad to know you liked this craft. Thanks a lot for the support.
Rosana, your visit to our community makes us dress up. You are a great content creator and an example to follow for your beautiful and detailed work. Bravo! This looks great and the video is awesome.
I'm honored by those kind words. Thanks so much for the continued support. It's a pleasure to be part of this amazing community.
What else can I say? My total admiration for you... You turn everything you touch into gold, congratulations!
Un gran abrazote para ti Rosanita ❤️
I love taking recycled materials and making something nice out of them, it's ecological and a new opportunity for these materials.
I always appreciate your support, my friend.
Your work is extraordinary sis, I admire you.
Thanks so much for the appreciation.
You're welcome.