Deluxe Ski Jump - great game popular only in winter countries


At the beginning of the 21st century Poles fell in love with Deluxe Ski Jump. Production had a very primitive graphics, but in those days it provided a lot of fun. It was played at home, in offices or during computer science classes. The project of Jussi Koskeli - Finnish programmer, thanks to Adam Malysz - (polish ski jumper) was appreciated mainly by Poles. So you can say that Adam provided Jussi with fame and a way of life ... until today.

The physics of this production was trivially simple. All you had to do was press two mouse buttons a bit before the end of the inrun, then tilt the jumper's silhouette a bit, and with the right wind he flew very far. The production probably took a few megabytes, but it was fantastic to compete with friends. Especially that there was no shortage of hills there, and I don't know why the programmer moved them even to Australia or Belgium.


Today Deluxe Ski Jump is still alive and as the online fun shows, it is played mainly by Poles. This somewhat forgotten game in the winter season attracts many players in front of their computers - players, because we can safely talk about the e-sports dimension of this production. DSJ requires much more concentration than 20 years ago. Here, even a microscopic movement of the mouse counts, and learning to jump well requires many hours and nerves of steel.

We are dealing with a total simulator, which bonuses for leaving the threshold in a certain fraction of a second. Then you have to gently tilt the jumper and properly maneuver him in flight, because one careless move can end in disaster. Thanks to this, every successful jump, especially in the online competition, is a lot of fun, and the competitions themselves are also important for weaker players, because even a place in the middle of the pack can improve the ranking.

It is worth noting that this time, Jussi has introduced real locations to the game where ski jumping takes place. And so the locations named "Poland", "Norway" or the mentioned "Australia", we have Zakopane, Wisla, Garmisch-Partenkirchen and other places from the World Cup and Olympic calendar.

At the end of the day, virtual ski jumping has changed for the better. It's just a pity that the game is not popular around the world and still mainly played by Poles. Sometimes there are Germans, Norwegians or Slovenians. There are also some jokers who set Vatican nationality to beat the country records ;) Jussi Koskela na bieżąco wprowadza ciekawe aktualizacje. Ostatnio wprowadził możliwość tworzenia własnych skoczni w dosyć prosty sposób, co przyciągnęło kolejnych entuzjastów latania. Zdecydowanie polecam!


Originally posted on Popkultura. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


I remember playing this a lot as a kid. I was super into ski jumping at the time. Mainly because Norway was so good at it. Great game. I played some newer ones as well as the years went on.

0.000 PAL

O wow, I rocked this for hours as a kid, I had not clue it was still alive

0.000 PAL