"Should I???" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?

Yeah... Yeah, probably...

Here's some artz!


10 Nov. 2023


"Creepy Watcher" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

creepy watcher.png

[Liner pen on cardstock with digital embellishments and color.] Yeah.... You might wanna run... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



11 Nov. 2023


"Sight and Sound and Mind..." by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

sight and sound and mind.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Morning Ralph! Morning Sam! (Passing in the night...) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Strange Head Creature" by RFY (HF)

strange head creature.jpg

[Felt pen and brush pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] I saw this crawl under my bed...and then it was GONE! The bed finally came back about three weeks later... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"3rd Party" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

3rd party (peg).jpg

[Felt pen and colored pencil on construction paper with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] When two minds connect and merge, a THIRD MIND is either CREATED or CONTACTED and emerges from the union! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Saturday Before Coffee" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

saturday before coffee (july 2023).png

[Digital drawing created with a no-longer-supported, free app on my phone.] Mental state far from stable... (I'm OUT of coffee!!!) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



12 Nov. 2023


I've started working on a new zine for Patreon! For some reason, the minimum amount that a creator can charge for items sold through Patreon is $3.00 (USD), so that's what I'll charge. Three bucks. Sure. (At least it's a prime number!) I started creating the zine yesterday, and I completed a "rough" version using WordPad, but the RTF file that I saved the thing as wouldn't open in Scribus and it was "too large" to open in Google Docs, so I'm forced into RE-creating the zine in Scribus. The frustration was enough to piss me off, so I'm taking a short break from the zine. (I love PHOTOCOPIED paper zines. I don't have to worry if the tape I use to hold down my collage bits is going to be compatible, and I can't erase a bunch of work with an accidental mouse click (which has happened more than once when making digital work...) Jeebus. So that's how things are going. My old, non-techy ass hates having to use computers, but there will EVENTUALLY be a new PDF zine for humans to look at! Keep in touch for further developments!



"Fleegle Beagle" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

fleegle beagle.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Nonsense, scribbles, meaningless words, and a pink bunny. Does it mean anything? It doesn't have to MEAN, it just hafta BE! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Self Portrait (8 Nov. 2023)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

self portrait (8 nov. 2023).jpg

[Brush pen and felt pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew, cover it with chocolate and a miracle or two??? The Holy Fool can... (Hard to sing with all these bees in my mouth...) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Is It Hopeless?" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

is it hopeless (aug. 2023).png

[Felt pen on notebook page with digital embellishments, layers, and color.] A horrible beast that exudes despair and hopelessness! The only way to counter the effects of the creature is high doses of cotton candy! (Preferably BLUE!) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Boop Bip (Zom Zom Zom)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

boop bip (zom zom zom).png

[Digital drawing created in a free sketch app on my phone!] You think you're safe just because you're NOT inside the network... But maybe you ARE inside. Maybe the network is everywhere, now... Safety... Ha! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



13 Nov. 2023


word mosh 3.jpg

"Journal Exhibitionism (13 Nov. '23)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

[Into the Void-Nonsense Brain...]

[7 Nov. '23]

...Evening. Perhaps "night" even. I spent most of today re-igniting my Patreon page. (Silly.) I kind of doubt that I'll ever get right thru Patreon, but a couple extra bucks can help from time to time... Yeah...

[8 Nov. '23]

Down by the river. Ace of spades... Hippies from Space
Tie-dye... Tie-DIE! A novel about a hippie slasher... Trippy.

Pickle-bologna... Snake-Fist Style... Victory

Make no mistake about Jungle Face Jake... (Wow...)
Cat. Cat. In a hat.

I have come home from picking Felicity up to find that Frank + Alec are at the hospital. Apparently, Frankie accidentally ate a tomato [in her DoorDashed lunch] and had to use her EPI-PEN. Who knows when they will be home... ??

Don't stop believin'... Evening now. Mariah is home. (I collected her from the eye clinic.) Alec and Felicity went to a "school thing." Frank stayed home. She's got to recuperate from epinephrine shock...

I hear Mariah doing stuff in the kitchen. If my back wasn't still fucked up, I'd go help her. (Back on the heart pad.)

I finished my Patreon "RE-Introduction" post. Good. Now, I think I'm going to shift my "focal point" from Bluesky to Patreon. I'll still keep posting to B.S. and Hive and such, but having the Patreon as a primary platform means that I'll have a (possibly paying) skeletal structure to build OUT from.

[9 Nov. '23]

Flee floo... Thursday...

Already picked Felicity up from school. Now, I'm just chillin' until it's time to get Mariah... Will Frankie or Alec be home before I have to leave?? (Time will time... No... Time will tell... WEIRD!)...

Still Thursday. All along the watch-tower... That isn't Lucy in the sky... It's WAnda the Witch!

Night now. Mariah is home. She's watching SURVIVOR. (I'm not a huge fan of the "show.")

Let me see... Tomorrow is Friday. Mariah has to work. Nobody else has to work tomorrow - but I GET to work. I'm hoping to get a bunch of ART SHIT accomplished... Maybe even put together a new ZINE for Patreon...

Pirates at the auto-mat.

[10 Nov. '23]

Fuckin' FRIDAY! We are free in our minds.

Today is a hard workin' day for me... Need to update the MOPA [x] [Museum of Postcard Art] and
Make a new zine [ ] AND Write a zine list [ ] Plus ARTZ [ ]

Stop, look, and listen, baby. That's my philosophy... Did you take your morning pills, yet?? (I did.)

Indifference is the key to happiness. But I don't care... Moe, moe, moe!

BEES. BEEPS. Mustard seeds. Clack! Babe. The Big Blue Ox. [x] SLAVE LAUNDRY.

How did they know? (Who ha fleep.)

For money to burn with you... "Rebel Yell" is still an enjoyable song. Most Billy Idol holds up.

I should finish my coffee, then go make the bed... Make the bed [x].
H.R. Fluff'n'Stuff... Comateens... Hills...
"What Lurks Beneath" - Randy recommends!

Ham is the devil. 20 week old baby kid... Come as you are... Table... Pre-release. Everybody gets a prize. Food-food... Grubby-nerds. He gets a BOX! If...

One two three four five six... Was today FRiday? (I'm told, yes...) Zing!

[11 Nov. '23]

Saturday. Mariah and I get jabs today.

That's nobody's business but the Turks... Feeeeeelings... Oh oh oh feeeeeeelings...
Are you willing to wait? (Patient...)

One two three four. Shut the door! Hit the floor!
Are you gonna get up + go?

Well.... Mariah and I attempted to get our covid and flu shots, but the pharmacy we attempted to utilize didn't take our insurance... Poo... Now, we'll have to find a different place to get stabbed with needles...

JABS! (Good song by Fingerprintz!)

Saturday. That's what today is. And why not? Yesterday was Friday, so it only makes sense.

Silly slabs. What am I gonna do? I've worked on Patreon, but maybe I need more stuff to SELL on there. [I am the world's shittiest businessman...] I only have ONE digital image, and I doubt that most folks would pay for something like that. Maybe if I had a couple ZEENS they might sell. (Those are fun to make, too.)

Sandwiches for linner. I need a shower. Who'll stop the rain??

I've got the GIGANTIC back-log of art and writing covering DECADES, but I'm really just not sure what to DO with it? Do I just POINT to everything or do I start cherry-picking interesting bits and making zines from the old stuff (plus new stuff?? I still make shit every day...)

I don't know...

How much is "book rate" postage now? I still have editions of the old paperbacks [that I published] sitting on shelves. I should sell THEM!!

Pulled in so many directions. No real "plan." I've always just gone with the CHAOS approach - which might be why I'm broke! (Ha!) Blee blah bloo... CHAOS!

[12 Nov. '23]

Still working on the Patreon zeen. I "finished" a draft of it in WORDPAD, but the RTF format doesn't seem transferable. So it goes...

I need to make a schedule for "work": [ ] zine, [ ] MOPA, [ ] Read comics, [ ] Music, [ ] Share ARTZ

[13 Nov. '23]

Monday. No sleep. (I'm out of my sleeping pills. Might make for some interesting art...) Morning breakfast curreal (cereal + surreal)

So many strange and wonderful things in the world that folks tend to minimize or fail to notice AT-ALL. I will attempt to see and appreciate these things / moments / non-moments / shadows / etc. (Starting tomorrow...) (Ha!)

He'll save every one of us! Deceptacons... Sure... Space... The final frontier. But space is an illusion! According to physics, it's all illusion. Bound by illusion. Is TIME just a bad habit? Who you gonna call?

Parallel Motion Machine! At least I'll get my washing done. (Where you born with a plastic spoon in your mouth?)

Fizzling write along. Chunklet. Mini-fantasy. Hoot! Ribs of steel. Nerves of tele-plastic neuro-connective tissue and gum-base. Sprinkle of sugar! FIRE IN THE DISCO!!! (High voltage!)

Flap jack jerks. Happy the man with the face that smiles. Spiders make lousy oatmeal. Frabjous day. Hope hides in shadows...

Devil Vibes.

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"The Doors a book" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

The Doors a book.png

[Ballpoint pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] After reading a forbidden Aldous Huxley book, this BIRD develops psychic abilities and uses these powers to cause chaos and pull pranks on all the terrible politicians who need to be taken down a peg or two! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



Thanks for hanging with me for a minute! LATER!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
