"Frost Advisory! (In April???)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


The last few days have been strange. We had FREEZING temps with frost on the ground in the morning, and we've had a couple days in the 70s (f), which is pretty warm for here for spring, and now it looks like is about to start pouring rain.

Now look... I'm OLD, officially a double-grandpa. I am ALLOWED to be interested in the weather! I also like to make artz. Here's some of THAT STUFF, while we wait for the rain to start!


16 Apr. 2024


"Back Off (Over-Reaction)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

back off (over-reaction).png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Beware! It's important NOT TO JUDGE someone without getting to know them, first! Especially if they are a ghost! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Not Woven, Not Textile" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

not woven not textile.png

[Felt pen and metallic marker on blue paper with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] It's abstract, dudes. You know... I couldn't decide WHAT TO DRAW, so I just did stripes. How anarchic can you get?? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



17 Apr. 2024


I've decided (cuz why not) that I'm going to participate in the TEZOS CHAIN #OBJKT4OBJKT event! It runs from Apr. 18th to Apr. 21st! The deal is, artists make large quantities of certain pieces and SET THEM LOOSE in the TEZOS-sphere for next to nothing! Then, you can also snag one artwork per for the other artists who participate. It's kinda like an art exchange, and because it's on TEZOS, it's cheap! (As opposed to ETH shit, which is always expensive to do anything!!!) Yeah...


'followed by the floating man' by richard f. yates [holy fool]

followed by the floating man.jpg

[felt pen, brush pen, paint pen, colored pencil, and gel pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and minor color tweaking.] he is being followed. you can see the floating man, too, i'm sure...

This piece is part of the 4th #OBJKT4OBJKT event, April 2024! Enjoy some ARTZ!!!

p.s. - my fucking shift keys aren't working again, and it's seriously pissing me off. i hate not being able to do the proper capitalization, but i want to get these pieces posted before #OBJKT4OBJKT gets started. stupid. i wish i could afford a proper computer instead of having to use this 10 year old beast, oooorrrr, wouldn't it be cool if i knew enough about stupid computers to just fix this shit!! [and, yes, i had to cut and paste to get a fucking exclamation point into this paragraph. bullshit...



18 Apr. 2024


My mini-review of STRANGE ADVENTURES #227! Will I KEEP it, or will I be willing to trade it away?? (Gripping tension!!!) #art #comics #reviews #writing


strange adventures 227 - panel.jpg


"Face of Stone" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

face of stone (apr. 2024).jpg

[Gel pen and colored pencil on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] A guardian idol. Used to call the ACTUAL guardian... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Celestial Seasoningz" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

celestial seasoning.jpg

[Felt pen, crayon, paint pen, gel pen, and liner pen on found paper with digital embellishments and color manipulation.] This is ANOTHER piece that I'm doing as part of the 4th #OBJKT4OBJKT event! (And what an EVENT! I've already spent more collecting from other artists that I told myself I was going to, but there's so much fancy ART!!!) Hand drawn by me, but hopefully, there's something fun there for YOU to look at! 101 editions being made for only 0.023 tezos each! Golly! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Grey Lady" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

grey lady (27 mar. 2024).png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] It's the Grey Lady! They call her that even though, in most light, she's more of a pale green, and her hair is decidedly red... But she's WEARING a grey dress, so I guess that's where the nickname comes from... Stupid humans... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



19 apr. 2024 [my shift keys aren't working again... jeebus...]


My mini-review of Clint #1! Will I KEEP it, or will I be willing to trade it away?? (Black and white, indie comics from the 1980's!!!) #art #comics #reviews #writing


clint 1 - panel.jpg


My mini-review of Free Comic Book Day - Space Pirate Captain Harlock! Will I KEEP it, or will I be willing to trade it away?? (Nearly manga!!!) #art #comics #reviews #writing


harlock fcbd - panel.jpg


"Larry Lizard (Journalist)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

larry lizard (journalist).jpg

[Digital drawing created with MS Paint on my ancient and disintegrating laptop!] Being a journalist can be a dangerous job. It HELPS if you're a lizard, for various reasons that I probably don't need to explain to you, right?? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

P.S. - I'm also including this in the 4th #objkt4objkt event. Creating 101 editions and letting them go for super cheap! (There will most likely be a giant sacrifice to the FIRE GODZ on Monday, the 22nd... You get me??)



"Born to Lose" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

born to lose (17 apr. 2024).jpg

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments!] The futher muckin' world is a collage! I'm loving notebook drawing lately, just a pen, some paper, and FLOW... But, there is also all that pop culture knowledge and weirdness that often gets trapped on the page! Just go with it! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



Saturday afternoon. Watching ghost shows* on YoooTooobs and typing. Just finished folding the laundry. Ain't that fascinating factualities???

[*The "ghost shows" I've been watching today have mostly been GoosePimples
( https://www.youtube.com/@GoosePimples ) with one or two vids from Slapped Ham ( https://www.youtube.com/@SlappedHam ). If you were wondering, YES, I love stupid shit! Especially spooky stupid shit! It's kinda my thing!

Thanks for stopping by! More art coming to my PATREON page very soon!!! (And maybe another comic review or two! Not sorry! It's fun for me...)


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

P.S. - I seem to have figured out a bit of a fix for my "shift key" issue, which is great because I'm much less likely to destroy the whole world out of frustration, now. I'll keep you informed as to the current likelihood of world-wild-annihilation via artist temper-tantrum! K???

0.038 PAL