"Fantasy on a Silly Budget" compilation post by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


Wither dost thou hide, little chicken? Wither? I sense that unease has colored your senses! Fear not the over or the fryer. A different fate awaits thee!

And with that in mind, here's some ARTZ! (Created by an old guy in a musty corner of the United States...)


5 April 2024


"Dragon" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

dragon (23 apr. 2024).png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] This little feller is a dragon. He's not a terribly LARGE dragon, but he's definitely got SPUNK! Right? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Tomorrow is Not Sure Why" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

tomorrow is not sure why.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Words can have very interesting meanings. I've read that this is true. HOWEVER, people who aren't me might not know that COLORS can also have meanings! GOSH! Hidden sometimes behind smells or even lighting rigs, which are very heavy and can make a stage or film set INCREDIBLY HOT, colors can be STUFFED FULL of meaning, like a cheese juice injected into the crust of a cardboard like pizza dough! The drawing presented here HAS COLORS all over it. BEWARE!! Jeepers! I hope I've made myself clear. If so, I'm sorry... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Conjurations and Calling" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

conjurations and calling.png

[Felt pen, liner pen, paint pen, glitter pen, and mechanical pencil on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and colors.] What can be done when shapes that are barely solid in their own right begin to call to ANOTHER entity and drag it, perhaps without its consent, into our world? Perhaps a change of location is the best plan of action, when this collection of events transpires... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



6 May 2024


Have you figured out who you're voting for yet? (PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME!) I'm weighing my options...

vermin supreme.jpg

[I did not make this art. I stole it from the Vermin Supreme Faceboot page!]


My mini-review of Oni Press Summer Celebration Free Comic Book Day 2021! Will I KEEP it, or will I be willing to trade it away?? (Should grandpas read Y.A.??) #art #comics #reviews #writing


oni press summer celebration fcbd 2021 - panel.jpg


"A Million Faces" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

a million faces.png

[Liner pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] There is no way a single human being could possibly not know what this cartoon means. That's a certainty... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Fully Cooked" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

fully cooked.jpg

[Crayon and felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] Yep. It's a fact. I watched a lot of Jim Henson's puppet shows when I was a kid. His stylistics IMPACTED me and the artz that I make... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Emergent Phenomena" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

emergent phenomena.png

[Digital drawing created with a no-longer-supported, free art on my phone.] The collection of seemingly unrelated items or incidents that, together, produce a secondary, possibly greater, effect... Like consciousness or cotton candy! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



My mini-review of Owlhoots #1! Will I KEEP it, or will I be willing to trade it away?? (Cowboy comics!?!?) #art #comics #reviews #writing


owlhoots - panel.jpg


7 May 2024


"Raise Your Hand / Diphtheria Bob" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

raise your hand (13 apr. 2024).png

[Digital drawing created on my phone. Audio recorded with that same phone.]

Hey folks! Today is Wednesday, May 7th, as I type this. The zombie hand was created a few weeks ago in response to Stellabelle's "roll call" on the Cryptoart-School group on Farcaster! The audio is from my brain being weird. I just run around saying strange things, all day, and on rare occassions, I hit record on the audio thing. I could, honestly, just ramble all day long - until they came to take me away. (I never answer the door, though, just in case...)

Does the work, the creation, justify the amount of TIME and ENERGY that I put into them? Sure! The world is a silly place, and it's MY JOB (as given to me by the Great Winged Serpent) is to make it sillier. I take that calling VERY SERIOUSLY... If you don't believe me, whatever... Jerk. If you DO believe me, send me a direct message. I've got a new MEME-COIN that I think you'll want to invest in! YEAH!?




"Daisies Eat the Rich" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

daisies eat the rich.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] The feelings come pouring out in my notebooks. These thoughts are often coded and filtered thru pop culture artifacts (mostly music and movies.) And then there's the MONSTERS... There will always be monsters... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



My mini-review of Amy Racecar Color Special #1! Will I KEEP it, or will I be willing to trade it away?? (Violent absurdism!) #art #comics #reviews #writing


amy racecar - panel.jpg


"And This Play" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

and this play.png

[Liner pen and gel pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Maybe we'll know better next time? (But probably not...) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



9 May 2024


My mini-review of Dastardly & Muttley #5! Will I KEEP it, or will I be willing to trade it away?? (What if people were turning into cartoons?!?) #art #comics #reviews #writing


dastardly and muttley 5 - panel.jpg


Enough for this post? Probably...

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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