Low Expectations Can Be So Powerful


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We always hear about high expectations and shoot for the stars. It seems low expectations are not acceptable. When you have a high expectations, you want to make the right decisions all the time so that you can fulfill your high expectations.


It gives you a lot of stress. And if you fail to do that, you might be disappointed. When you do something as a beginner, it will not be perfect. It is okay to get it as an okay standard. You will get better when you keep doing it and have some experience. You will not put yourself under pressure when you have low expectations. So you keep trying and don't give up. It can be so powerful that you can do very well in the long term.

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, finance, and digital marketing. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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I do not like to put pressure on myself , my expectations always increase as I work , so to speak , I explain myself , I learn as I go , and I try to go slowly , observing , analyzing , learning from the best , then I set goals for myself , but without pressure , I do not like to be stressed , I try to spend more time , but do not put pressure on myself .
I find your posts very interesting , it is the reason for commenting , I saw several that had no comments , and I decided to comment on all of them , it does not seem fair to pass up an excellent work like yours , it is my opinion

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