Sending that call is necessary

Each and everyday I must make sure that I reached out to my brothers and sisters and get to know how they are doing, the deal is, If I do not, they will.

Two days ago I was with friends and we were having some chat and playing Ludo game, then a call came in my phone, it was my turned to play the game, we were four players in numbers, but because I had to picked the call the game was halt.

I answered the phone call right at the spot thinking she just wanted to say hi as we do on other days, but it wasn't so, that day was different, as she asked me more deep questions, like how l have been managing all these while coupling with the recent economic story at hand, if I used to have work and all the rest.

Therefore, when I understood that the conversation might take long I get up from where I was, so that I wouldn't distract my friends, then told them to continue playing, because I didn't want to exit the fun from the game, because if they continue waiting for me, it automatically means they might get bored of waiting.

So after the call I came into the place, and I was now watching as they played, after the end of the day, one of them stick around, others left to their houses because they came from a somehow far distance.

Then after thirty minutes time I called to check on them, and knowing that they were all at home was a great feelings, it doesn't mean not calling would make them not to be at their various homes, they will still get there but it just how I understand and live my life.

The one that was with me said that he feels like eating suya, so we should go and get some, reaching there we took a seat, the suya were sold to us and we chew it there with Malta Guinness, so he asked me how do I feel making those calls to each of those friends that left to their houses.

I told him that I feels nothing, it just how I do my things and to me it's a normal lifestyle, he told me that it is something he hardly do, I enlighten him to try and be doing so because it shows concerned, love and it encourages a never ending relationship as well.

He then go on that the way I just acted was just the same thing my sister did on the phone while I was talking with her, I let him know that I used to called and checked on her also, but it was getting to some days and she hasn't hear from me that was why she decided to call.

To us that's how we see life, we do not need to own the world before we remember our brothers and sisters and give them that pleasing assistance of either advised or money that will put a smile on their faces.

To be frank, it means the world to me when I understand that wherever my people's are they're smiling right there, and having good times is something I also want for my people, so you should do the same for your people including your friends.

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I can relate. I can't go a day without speaking to my siblings too. It just shows you care


Yes bro that's the energy, thanks so much, i appreciate 🥰🙏


Cordial greetings @repayme4568
In the sharing of your dissertation, you express to us the value of family, from the kindness of the communicational interaction to the fact that being far away, does not mean that we forget our relatives. These actions comfort our spirit, radiating it with well-being and strengthening the threads of love of the common origin. Today we flow in a friendly connectivity that has brought the benefits of articulation. With a simple video call, we can interconnect with our most distant beings in group meetings where love and good feelings flow, dissipating distances. Keeping us informed of the situation of our relatives, allows us to avoid surprises, especially unpleasant ones, and to be always ready to help and understand. Likewise, you share with us the gain in your life of sincere friends, who are the relatives that life gives you and that come into your life, to make it more precious.
Our team #ThoughtfulDailyPost expresses its sincere gratitude to you, for joining us assiduously with commitment to our calls, and contributing value with your experiential wisdom. Health and well-being !PIZZA

Cordiales saludos @repayme4568
En el compartir de tu disertación nos expresas el valor de la familia, desde la amabilidad de la interacción comunicacional, el hecho de estar lejos, no significa que olvidemos a nuestros parientes. Estas acciones reconfortan nuestro espíritu, irradiándolo de bienestar, fortaleciendo los hilos de amor del origen común. Hoy fluimos en una conectividad amistosa que ha traído beneficios de articulación. Con una simple videollamada podemos interconectarnos con nuestros seres más distantes en reuniones grupales donde fluyen el amor y los buenos sentimientos, disipando las distancias. Mantenernos informados de la situación de nuestros familiares, nos permite evitar sorpresas, especialmente desagradables, y estar siempre dispuestos a ayudar y comprender. Asimismo, comparte con nosotros la ganancia en tu vida de amigos sinceros, que son los familiares que la vida te regala y que llegan a tu vida, para hacerla más preciosa.
Nuestro equipo #ThoughtfulDailyPost te expresa su sincero agradecimiento, por acompañarnos asiduamente con compromiso a nuestras convocatorias, aportando valor con tu sabiduría vivencial. Salud y bienestar.


As family we must continue to keep the love flowing despite staying in far away places, a lot of devices are there, that we can used for communication.
lt's a pleasure to share with the community, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏
