Hive Is So Much Ahead Of The Curve That It Boggles The Mind



I ran across this Twitter thread where "a decentralized Twitter" based on a blockchain is being discussed and presented as a novel idea.

The basic idea is partially the same as with Hive. Store all the content on chain and make all UIs mere skins depriving any single entity control over the content.

Monetization is thought to take place through small transaction fees and with ads as a source of revenue.

(No mention of anything like Proof-of-Brain as a way to monetize anything.)

The fact that Elon Musk bought a significant chunk of Twitter is a good thing because it puts the problem of censorship and content ownership on a lot of people's radar.

It should not matter too much at this point that a lot of people see a single entity like Musk buying influence on Twitter as a solution. The main thing at this point is that decentralizing content ownership is being talked about by a lot of people.

I predict the solutions implemented will be along the lines of a lot of VC money being invested in new platforms and a lot of them failing due to having a single point of failure. Slowly but surely attention will shift to lasting solutions with track records of success. Baby steps.

What all this implies is the need for each of us to keep building whatever it is we're building here and growing. The Hive ecosystem will grow and expand and become more versatile each passing year. Nothing lasting gets built in a day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Just imagine when plebs will realize there's a blockchain based socila media land already and that we're pretty close to having our own blockchain Twitter(project blank).

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
