Hello Octo


Hello dear Visual Shots. I would like to apologize for my absent recently due to some conditions i'm facing now. So sorry for any inconvenient causes. But hey YOLO, photo shots is a must for share right ❤️

Rice field visit

I mange to capture some shots during my visit to outside of Bangkok city which rarely and hardly seen. Is a rice field with almost time for the seasons of cutting it. As today i wanted to share with you some shots that shot from my iphone X with zero edited.

What makes it special is definitely is air quality from this. So fresh and less lights pollution as well. Peaceful mind and soul if you stand upon here with it. I wanted to try to shoot stars at the night in the coming future too.

I found out that my skills has gotten weak by now 😅 apologize again for shitty photos. I promise i'll catch up quickly if everything went smooth sailing for me. Hope you don't mind about today's topic and shots.

Hope you'll like it. Until then. Keep rocking, shoting and hive ing my dear friends.


These photos of this rice field are very cool, take it easy, we know there are responsibilities out there and inconveniences come and go. I hope you can be more active in the near future. Greetings @reidenling90 ✌🏻

!discovery 25


Hi there sir. Thank you for the understanding sir. I will try my best to make up sometimes for more in near future. Thank you so much for the compliment as well sir. But i feel that not good enough due to long time no practice.
