¿Por qué Bitcoin es la mejor reserva de valor jamás creada?


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🚀 ¿Por qué Bitcoin es la mejor reserva de valor jamás creada? 🔥Esa es la pregunta que cubrios Adrían Treviño y yo en esta 6a parte de mi entrevista. Adrían y yo hablamos de como cómo Bitcoin pasó de ser "dinero electrónico" a convertirse en la herramienta perfecta para preservar tu riqueza a través del tiempo. 💡 Su secreto: una escasez absoluta. Solo habrá 21 millones, ¡ni uno más! 📺 ¡No te pierdas este video que cambiará tu visión sobre Bitcoin!

ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Bitcoin, through time, is a solution very few expected. Initially, in Bitcoin's history, the white paper described it as "peer-to-peer electronic cash." Then people began asking: How? Why is it now considered a store of value? We need to make it as efficient as possible for everyday money. However, I think right now it's serving a different purpose than its creator probably imagined. I believe it is now a store of value. Bitcoin is an incredible tool for transferring value through time. Why? Primarily because of its absolute scarcity. Only 21 million Bitcoins will ever exist, that's it. We have assured 0% inflation in the long term. Now, the inflation rate still issues new Bitcoins slowly—fewer and fewer over time—until we reach the total of 21 million. There is a cap. For example, if you own one Bitcoin, your piece of the pie is secured. Your slice can't be diluted. You own one out of twenty-one million, and that's final. The denominator remains fixed. In contrast, consider gold. If gold's price increases, what happens? Well, you can mine more gold; you can extract more gold from the earth, producing more supply. With real estate, if demand rises, you can build more houses. Sure, land is limited, but more houses can still be constructed. The same thing happens with stocks: you can issue more shares. Companies rarely do this, but investor dilution is possible. Almost every material or commodity on Earth, anything you can call an investment, can see increased production if demand goes up. Precisely, that's why gold became money rather than silver or bronze. Well, silver was also money historically, but ultimately thousands of metals didn't become money precisely because they were not scarce. Gold was relatively the scarcest compared to its existing supply, having the lowest inflation rate. If demand increased significantly, not much extra gold could be extracted, maintaining low inflation. However, with Bitcoin, even if its price triples, the emission rate stays the same, and the total supply remains unchanged. Bitcoin's supply does not respond to demand. This is a fascinating concept because no matter how many people want Bitcoin, more won't be created.

Thumbnail was created by me and it's use with Adrián's permission

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0.002 PAL



0.000 PAL

Hi my friend! This is a new account! I will only use it to post things regarding BITCOIN. Sorry for the confusion! 😊

0.000 PAL

Oh ... it is you, then it is not problem , I was think some one jokes :))) ... npr my name you can use .

0.000 PAL

Esa es una de las grandes ventajas de BTC, está asegurada su escasez en el futuro lo que asegura que los que lo poseen ahora podrán pedir loans sobre el pues es un Colateral perfecto bien utilizado o venderlo incluso a los que llengan en 5 o 10 años al mercado a un precio muchísimo mayor. 🚀


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