Crypto Black Friday: Buying The Dip Works Almost Every time


It baffles me how people keep panicking during dips, I have always seen dips as “Black Friday came early” and today they literally happened to dip on a literal Black Friday. Ever since I lost opportunities of buying coins like SAND when it was below $1 with a bigger amount, I have decided not to miss same opportunity with CRO, guess the universe heard my prayers and decided to answer them.


Hive has been pumping really hard this week, I haven’t focused on other coins to know how they are doing. I checked my chart and portfolio, only to see all the coins in my wishlist in a dip. They are on massive dip. Bitcoin being the leader of dip has given people a 21% Black Friday sales off in 5 days. But fortunately Hive said nah, it’s time to go up and level up in price. A friend called me and said she missed using $20 to buy Hive and get up to 25 Hive. Now $20 can only get 8 Hive, situations are different now, the case is reversed. I’m glad but a little greedy I didn’t get enough when Hive as $0.1.

For every coin that spiked that you missed, I think this is an opportunity for you to buy it now, because buying the dip work most times. The key words there are “most times”, and when you are buying the dip please buy the dip of coins with utility and use case not the dip of Shitcoins because that might not be a dip, that might be their exit.

I feel am at the position where dips make me more happy rather than sad, I guess this is because I have been saving some “buy the dip extra money” aside. I try my best to save some to go for crypto shopping when the dip starts hitting hard. Currently I feel like buying the CAKE dip, but am too lazy to make transfers to my trust wallet, I just want to do everything on my Binance. I’m just kidding I will buy the CAKE Dip, I need to stake that fella on cubdefi.

I will be buying more CRO dips because I bought CRO in May when it was $0.2, bought when it was $0.5 few days ago and bought when it was $0.8 2 days ago, it’s truly a Black Friday sales for me seeing it on $0.6. I’m doing this because am preparing for the center unveiling on Christmas Day, December 25th. After the unveiling am expecting to see CRO spike up massively in price because that’s one of the best form of PR for CRO.

Shitcoins are in dips also, but am not buying their dips, the last time I bought a shitcoin dip in May, we are still dipping. The dip has dipped so hard my total value in the coin is worth like $0.5, not even enough for a gas fee. So anyone buying a shitcoin dip right now is totally doing that at their own full risk.

Not A Financial Advice

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I hear you, brother, and also see the dip as an opportunity. Actually, was just thinking earlier of buying some more CRO :)

Do you think xlm is a good investment?

Lastly, is ada over or catching its breath?


As for XLM and ADA, haven’t done my research on them, I just don’t don’t know anything about them.


XLM has some good things going for it. I think it is best positioned for international stablecoins. Beyond that, I mainly use it for transferring between accounts because of the low fees. When it comes down to it, they are mainly interested in money transfers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
