Geological Exploration Saturday🌎⛰🗺🧭


Inside the forests of Cojímar
Cojímar river
Tectonic escarpment of the coastal highlands
Bottom view of the eastern escarpment of the Cojímar river canyon.
On the terrain at the top of the coastal heights close to the canyon
Behind my back the rocks deformed by the fault
Limestones and marls with signs of deformation due to tectonic fault stresses

Hello friends. Wishing you all well and having a good weekend. As for me, yesterday I went out with a professional colleague to carry out field explorations in order to make geological observations in the lands near the canyon of the Cojímar River, in the north of Havana. As I work in the Geological Service of Cuba, I do research focused on the study of the relief, and on this occasion we took the opportunity to make a tour for such purposes, and also to escape a little from the city routines to have some contact with nature and relax.

The Cojímar River is a fluvial course coming from the south of Havana, which runs along its course until it flows into the Boca de Cojímar, on Havana's northern coast. In the lower section near the coast, the river, over a long period of time, eroded and deepened its course, cutting the coastal elevations (like a knife cutting a cake) and creating a canyon of relative depth, from combined processes of tectonic uplift of the coastal blocks and the river's own incision through faults in the terrain. Yesterday we were able to verify the evidence of this fault, expressed in the relief in the formation of an abrupt escarpment that limits the coastal elevations to the south, in the alignment of the riverbed and in the deformations and crushing of the rocks of the Cojímar Formation due to tectonic stresses.

I am a great lover of nature and I love to be in contact with it, and yesterday was a great experience, because in addition to making observations, I could enjoy the greenery of the vegetation, the pleasant breeze being near the sea, the singing of birds, and above all, the opportunity to relax my mind and escape for a while from the daily routines of everyday life. A whole experience of relaxation and observation of the fascinating nature. Greetings.

All images taken with my Samsung Galaxy A7 camera phone.

Translated at DeepL.

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0.561 PAL


Loved the pictures, I would love to go there 😻.

0.000 PAL

Thanks friend! For the next time you are invited haha. Regards

0.000 PAL

My friend how beautiful! I loved how the pictures turned out, your work I really like, I should have dedicated myself to something like that 🥹, I love forests and mountainous areas, it looks super relaxing and more climbing and walking all that.

Incredible how those branches grow on that stone a demonstration of resilience we should take from them.

I love your post Raydelll greetingss 💞

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much for your comment my dear friend. I am glad you liked it. Yes, my profession gives me the opportunity to interact with the wonderful nature that never ceases to amaze me. The wisdom you perceive in the example of the roots in the rocks is great. Thank you for teaching us to see everything beyond the simply natural. A hug for you.

0.000 PAL

I like to see the rock formations. They are so beautiful and tell the story of the landscape. For geologists it must have much more meaning, of course, I look at it from the romantic side. But that dirty river... this threw my romanticism to the ground.


0.000 PAL

Even viewing images of nature is relaxing; those are cool shots. So many terms I don't understand, haha but I'm grateful for the images.

0.000 PAL

Thank you friend for your comment. I'm glad you like it even though you don't know some terms jj..saludos

0.000 PAL