Psychedelic fairy
Psychedelic fairy

En esta ocasión también quise mostrar un paso a paso un poco más detallado, ya que me pareció un poco curioso, que algunas personas se extrañaran debido a que empiezo a realizar mis dibujos de abajo hacia arriba. La verdad yo lo veo muy normal y se me hace mucho más fácil empezar a dibujar así y no por el centro que generalmente es el rostro, esto me ayuda a la hora de dimensionar el dibujo sin tener que borrar demasiado. Debido a esto ahora siento mucha curiosidad de ver por donde otras personas inician su dibujo, a continuación, te muestro el proceso, los materiales que utilice y el resultado final.
🔘 Hello everyone, today I want to show you the third piece of a mini series of drawings that I have made, this time the main character is a fairy. Of the four pieces, this is my favorite because I feel that the background is more coherent with the main character, although in psychedelic drawings nothing makes sense, in the same way meets the "requirements", I kept the same color palette and the same materials, this is part of the things that make the pieces correlate and it is evident that belong to the same series, the measures are 48x32 cm and this painted with different techniques and materials.
This time I also wanted to show a step by step a little more detailed, since it seemed to me a little curious that some people were surprised because I start my drawings from the bottom up. The truth is that I see it very normal and it is much easier for me to start drawing this way and not from the center which is usually the face, this helps me to size the drawing without having to erase too much. Because of this now I am very curious to see where other people start their drawing, here I show you the process, the materials I used and the final result.
🔴 Primer paso: | 🔘 First step:
🔴 Segundo paso: | 🔘 Second step:
🔴 Tercer paso: | 🔘 Third step:
🔴 Cuarto paso: | 🔘 fourth step:
🔴 Quinto paso: | 🔘 fifth step:
🔴 Sexto paso: | 🔘 Sixth step:
🔴 Septimo paso: | 🔘 Seventh step:
🔴 Octavo paso: | 🔘 Eighth step:
🔴 Noveno paso: | 🔘 Nineth step:
🔴 Decimo paso: | 🔘 Tenth step:
🔴 Undécimo paso: | 🔘 Step eleven:
🔴 Para realizar este dibujo utilicé: Bloc de dibujo 48x32 cm, lápiz 6B y HB, borrador moldeable, lápices de colores, pintura acrílica, marcador punta ultra fina, pegamento, piedritas brillantes, pinceles, tiza pastel.
🔘 To make this drawing I used: 48x32 cm drawing pad, 6B and HB pencil, kneadable eraser, colored pencils, acrylic paint, ultra fine tip marker, glue, shiny stones, brushes, pastel chalk.
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@raineth0224 good job🤩
Very fantasy like...I love it