Dibujo de frutas semi-realistas con lápices de colores // Semi-realistic fruit drawing with colored pencils
Dibujo de frutas semi-realistas con lápices de colores // Semi-realistic fruit drawing with colored pencils

I hope you are feeling great, I was a little lost in part preparing this drawing, since it was a little long the process of coloring it, but it was worth it, I really liked the result and I feel that I have advanced a little more in my technique, although I am aware that I still need to improve some things, I want to continue practicing to someday make another drawing of fruits, but this time very realistic or hyperrealistic, I will be very happy if I achieve it.
My biggest challenge for this drawing was to make the tray look with the mirror effect, it is the first time I try something like this, before I had drawn fruits and fabric and it is a little easier, although it is not perfect, however I will continue practicing to make it so, this drawing I did not want to make it dark as I usually do them, instead, I gave it a little light painting the background imitating a very light wood floor, I hope you like it as much as I do, then, I show you a little of the process.

Para realizar este dibujo utilicé: block de dibujo, lápiz 2B, borrador, borrador moldeable, sacapuntas, corrector líquido, lápices de colores.
To make this drawing I used: drawing pad, 2B pencil, eraser, moldable eraser, pencil sharpener, liquid corrector, colored pencils.


