It hurts but doesn't bleed - Original Poem


Image Source by Unsplash


This night is so quiet and peaceful
But I feel so anxious
I take a deep breath
Trying to calm down

On this peaceful night
The wind blows at me
As if the blow gave a message
I can't hear but I can feel

It's getting colder tonight
I'm feeling more and more anxious
I don't know why it's like this
I've never felt this before

I entered my room
Asleep two angels that I have to guard
Lying on cell phones on their bed
I tried to move it

I accidentally opened the message
Is this what the wind conveys?
My breath is suddenly tight
I want to scream but I can't

There is a pain but no bleeding

Lengua Española

Esta noche es tan tranquila y pacífica.
Pero me siento tan ansioso
tomo una respiración profunda
tratando de calmarse

En esta noche tranquila
el viento me sopla
Como si el golpe diera un mensaje
No puedo escuchar pero puedo sentir

Esta haciendo mas frio esta noche
me siento cada vez mas ansiosa
no se por que es asi
Nunca había sentido esto antes

Entré en mi habitación
Dormidos dos ángeles que tengo que custodiar
Acostado en los teléfonos celulares en su cama
traté de moverlo

Accidentalmente abrí el mensaje.
¿Es esto lo que transmite el viento?
Mi respiración es repentinamente apretada
quiero gritar pero no puedo

Hay dolor pero no sangra

0.000 PAL


Omen become bad ones only if we believe they are !
It reminds me of Fear of the dark from Iron Maiden

0.000 PAL

hi sir. I made the poem from the story of my uncle's experience. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Greetings sir

0.000 PAL

What was the message?
What happened?
Are they both alright, or are they not breathing?

0.000 PAL

All expressed as a figure of speech. The wind blows into the ears as if giving a subjective message. His breath felt tight because of the inner pain that occurred. This poem is the story of my uncle.

0.000 PAL

No pain and no bleeding, boy do I feel that sense in the poem. Sometimes things in life seem fleeting.

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Hello sir, thank you for visiting and commenting. This poem is my uncle's experience. He felt a pain in his heart. I also wrote short stories about his life.


0.000 PAL

I like the way you pivot round the middle of the poem to take us to a darker edge.

0.000 PAL