Recipe and tricks for making crispy molen bananas that are crunchy Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul "Recipe and tricks for making crispy molen bananas that are crunchy


The banana molen that we know has two kinds of textures. First, the soft ones are like fried bread. And secondly, crispy, which is soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside, leaving a crunchy texture. The texture of the second one is crunchy but still soft and sweet because of the variety of banana filling in it.Actually, the Molen banana itself has undergone modifications. Not only bananas are used as the filling. But there are also skinless green beans which are made first, cheese, purple sweet potatoes, and many more. Of course it all depends on each individual's taste.

What's unique is that this snack can also be used as a snack idea for business. However, to get the texture above, it turns out there are several tricks you should do. Here are the methods.1. Correct choice of flour.It's best to use medium protein flour. Sift it first before using it and dry it briefly in the hot sun. To produce a crunchy texture. Choose flour that is freshly stocked by the shop, don't use flour that has been sitting around for months because it hasn't been sold yet.2. Use of bananas.The bananas used are ripe bananas, but not the ones that are still soft. The good types of bananas are plantains, horn bananas or sparrow bananas. Steam with the skin for approximately 15 minutes, then remove from heat. Cool and peel, cut obliquely. The size is up to taste.

And this is what makes crispy molen bananas taste savory and delicious, namely the addition of coconut milk and butter or margarine. Boil the coconut milk first, after it has cooled, put it in the refrigerator for a while to knead the flour later. You can also use instant coconut milk which is diluted first and then put in the refrigerator to cool. And please remember, this particular crispy molen banana doesn't use eggs, OK? If you don't like coconut milk, you can replace it with cold boiled water.4. Sugar and leavening agents.These two ingredients are still added. Only the amount must match the size of the flour being stirred. Do not exceed the dose. The cake raising material used is only the fermipan type. Regarding baking powder , just according to taste. But it's best not to add any more. Because the banana cake is already soft because of the margarine or butter and coconut milk.

For frying, it's best to use good quality cooking oil full in the pan. The ratio with dough ingredients is between 1:2. For example, if the dough is 1 kg, then 2 liters of oil will be used. You can also add more as long as you don't equate it with the size of the dough. Use medium heat, not high, so that the molen banana will cook evenly when fried.And here are the correct measurements for the crispy molen banana recipe:- 10 sparrow bananas or more or less, depending on the type of banana used- 500 grams of medium protein wheat flour- 125 grams butter/margarine- 125 ml coconut milk or as needed, put it in the refrigerator until cold- 1 tablespoon sugar- 1 tsp fermipan soak with 2 tbsp water- 1 pack of vanilla- Salt to taste- 1 liter of cooking oilHow to make:1. Steam the bananas for approximately 15 minutes, cool and cut obliquely into 30-35 pieces according to taste2. Place the flour in a container, add margarine then knead gently until evenly mixed3. Next, pour in fermipan and coconut milk along with the other ingredients, knead until it is smooth and doesn't stick to your hands like when making donuts. Then let it sit for 20 minutes4. You can also prepare a flour mill or cutting board. Also prepare a clean bottle for rolling out the dough. Divide the flour into 30-35 parts or according to taste.5. Take one part of the flour, put it in grinder number 5, then into number 2. Don't forget to sprinkle a little starch/tapioca flour so that the flour doesn't stick.6. Gently wrap it around the banana in a circle from bottom to top. Work until you run out of dough. Let stand again for 30 minutes.7. Finally fry in hot oil over medium heat. Occasionally turn it over and wait until it is golden yellow and slightly cracked, remove from heat.8. Serve hot with a glass of hot tea or coffee.Good luck!
