Punks on Hive website improvements



Some improvements have been made to the https://punks.usehive.com website.

First we fixed the market to display more than 1,000 items, as we have already crossed that threshold.

We also added a loading screen to the market as it is a little slower to fetch them all at once, this way it is clear it is loading.

Finally, we made some improvements to the details dialog on larger screens. If you have a larger screen you will se the details panal split into two sections rather than just a long dialog box.


This makes it a lot easier to look at on traditional wider screens. The primary focus was to have a usable app for both mobile and desktop and time ran out to make further improvements.

The primary focus is improving the market and adding the ability to sort by different criteria and even find specific attributes.

Future improvements

  • Sorting Options
  • Filter Options
  • Pagenation
  • Market history
  • Route to Punk by ID: /punk/256
  • Auctions
  • View All Punks

If you have further suggestions, feel free to leave them below. The primary focus right now is quality of life improvements to make a better experience.

I am also thinking about further improvements beyond just the website. Feel free to share any ideas and suggestions you have.

Finally, I am amazed at the support and excitement this project has had. It's truly amazing and one of the reasons I love Hive so much, it has Community Built-In™.

If you haven't joined our Discord, hop on over.

Don't forget, we also have a Discord bot if you want to add it to your own Discord server. Further features are planned for the bot.


0.435 PAL


Right now and ever since listing my two punks for sale, I have not been able to see my gallery. I don't know if it is because mine are listed for sale, or if the gallery is going through some upgrades.

If upgrading the gallery, I can wait. If it is because they are listed for sale I do have a suggestion. Allow them to be shown in a gallery, and a note they are listed for sale and also add an option to delis them being for sale. (people do change their minds).

0.004 PAL

Yea it seems like for now u cant see them when they're for sale. I just made sure to remember the rarity and from there u can scroll to it and delist

0.000 PAL

I am glad I did a post about my two so I could remember their starting stats.

0.000 PAL

Aw man yea i bet that came in handy !PIZZA

0.000 PAL

suggestion: would it be possible to make the site (market, user gallery) public, so that users without logging in, for example from other blockchains, can view the punks?

0.004 PAL

this is important!

0.000 PAL

Great progress. One suggestion would be to make your own punks still viewable in your own gallery even when listed just with a price against them. Also I mentioned on the discord about using log scale for the rarity bar as only for super rare punks is it useful for ; 95 % are bunched up on the leftmost 10% of the bar . Also had some longer term suggestions on my hive post a few days ago.

0.000 PAL

Integrate Hivesigner please. And I would be interested to see a detailed post on how to sell them in market - no knowledge on that.

0.000 PAL

We can also have an option to mark a post as favourite, may be you can consider that.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

0.000 PAL

Great work on the Hive Punks, or Punks On Hive!

I'll visit the Discord and check out the bot.

Punks are fun! Sending an LOL token your way!


0.000 PAL

Looks promising. Afraid the 10% transaction fee is going to kill the market though – or at least make it move over to other 3rd party solutions, so hope that is going to be adjusted at some point.

0.000 PAL

The market should have a "sort by price" function, so I could see if there are cheap ones!

0.000 PAL

Punk bands. Make it to where you have to have 4 punks, and then set a hidden criteria on what outcomes the band has based on the sum of the rarity number, or attributes.

0.000 PAL

The future improvements are fantastic. Hope they will cooming soon...

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL

Grate to know u still work to make a better place for our punks!

0.000 PAL

Cant wait for the new features to come, the search for specific punks will be easier.

0.000 PAL

I really like that we can sort on the marketplace. I do not know how hard this is to implement but a button that takes you back to top would be awesome. I tend to scroll through the market a lot. If I scroll too long I wanna jump back to top at once because I am a lazy sonomabeach

0.000 PAL

You can always hit HOME button on your keyboard to zoom to the top, on mobile you can double click the top and it will take you there.

0.001 PAL

10% market fee is unreasonably high. I guess you want the market to flourish!

0.000 PAL

Seems like hivepunks trading at 2x the price already :D

0.000 PAL