(ENG/SPA) The STEVE-O and a Proud Father welcome to Jackass YoutubeReview

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You can always get something positive out of things, this is a question that I leave you with as a reflection, i am sure you have gone through moments that are not rosy, that are not sweet, that are not full of joy and it is right in those moments where we can learn, reflect, we realize that we are not invincible, rather we are very fragile and therefore we need pillars to support us because we will not always be well and one of those fundamental pillars are parents.

He is STEVE-O, he is an MTV legend but his fame is not exactly for doing good things, good things as many would say, his fame is for being a JACKASS in all the splendor of the word, it has been two decades since I saw this character on MTV doing the most bizarre and disgusting things you can imagine, I'm serious, you have to have a lot of strength in your stomach to endure the video I'm recommending him. ... yet in that same video next to him is his dad, supporting him like a monument in what is his work.

STEVE-O has forged quite an empire by doing stupid, irrational, embarrassing things, things that any parent would be disappointed to see their child do. At the beginning I asked a question about if from all the things or moments in life you can get positive reflections, this one I am reviewing is an example that incredibly yes you can, I see a father that despite what his son does, is proud and laughing with him, at the end STEVE-O is doing a job that is to entertain and his success on MTV plus his millions of followers on youtube prove that he is good at being a JACKASS.

Not everything in life is chocolates, candy almonds and rainbows of happiness, I wish life was that simple. In the video you will hear basically what I just wrote.

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Siempre de las cosas se puede sacar algo positivo, es una pregunta que les dejo a modo de reflexión, estoy seguro haz pasado por momentos que no son color de rosa, que no son dulces, no estan llenos de alegria y es justo en esos momentos donde mas podemos aprender, reflexionar, nos damos cuenta que no somos invencibles, mas bien somos muy fragiles y por eso necesitamos pilares que nos apoyen porque no siempre estaremos bien y uno de esos pilares fundamentales son los padres.

El es STEVE-O, es una leyenda de MTV pero su fama no es precisamente por hacer cosas buenas, cosas de bien como muchos dirian, su fama la gano por ser un JACKASS en todo el esplendor de la palabra, han pasado dos decadas desde que vi este personaje en MTV haciendo las cosas mas bizarras y asquerosas que te puedes imaginar, lo digo en serio, tienes que tener mucha fuerza en el estomago para soportar el video que estoy recomendando de él.... sin embargo en ese mismo video junto a él esta su papa, apoyandolo como un monumento en lo que es su trabajo.

STEVE-O ha forjado un buen imperio por hacer cosas estupidas, irracionales, bochornosas, cosas que a cualquier padre decepcionaria de ver a su hijo. Al principio realice una pregunta sobre si de todas las cosas o momentos de vida se pueden sacar reflexiones positivas, este que reseño es un ejemplo de que increiblemente si se puede, veo un padre que a pesar de lo que haga su hijo, esta orgulloso y riendo junto a él, a la final STEVE-O esta hacieno un trabajo que es entretener y su éxito en MTV mas sus millones de seguidores en youtube demuestran que es bueno en ser un JACKASS.

No todo en la vida son chocolates, almendras de caramelos y arcoiris de felicidad,ojala la vida fuera asi de simple. En el video escucharas basicamente lo que acabo de escribir.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.


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Capture taken from youtube video Thumbnail and edited with paint

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Hi @promete0sz , You have left a good video to reflect, among other things, about the world in which I live. On the other hand, the question is a good one.

On the question, the answer is that everything is learned. And, for my part, success measured in the applause of others is not everything. Or rather, for me it is quite little.

I am curious to hear the comments of other Hivers.


Has dejado un buen video para relexionar, entre otras cosa, sobre el mundo en el que habito. Por otra parte la pregunta es buena.

Sobre la pregunta, la respuesta es que de todo se aprende. Y, por mi parte, el éxito medido en el aplauso de los otros no lo es todo. O más bien, para mí es bastante poco.

Tengo curiosidad por conocer los comentarios de otros Hivers



It's just that when I saw the video, I said to myself, wow amazing he does that in front of his dad and then the dad laughs and continues along with him calmly and enjoying life, the key is that, enjoy life 😃

Es que cuando vi el video, me dije a mi mismo, wow increible haga eso frente a su papa y luego el papa se rie y continua junto a el tranquilo y disfrutando de la vida, la clave es esa, disfrutar la vida 😃


I couldn't agree more with the message you leave.

No puedo estar más de acuerdo con el mensaje que dejas.


Yes Prome, you can take the positive out of everything in life, sometimes it's a little hard to find it, in certain circumstances, but it is there.

I'd like to highlight this: His father was always with him... you know what it means to me... I never lived that and I value it very much.

Excellent review!

Si Prome, de todo en la vida se puede sacar lo positivo, a veces cuesta un poco encontrarlo, en determinadas circunstancias, pero lo hay.

Rescato esto: Su padre lo acompaño siempre... sabes lo que significa para mi... nunca viví eso y lo valoro mucho.

Excelente reseña!!


That's just a thought that came, so many people who would just want that pillar and wasn't there.... the good now you have me your daddy promeX 😃😃

Esa es justo un pensamiento que llego, tantas personas que solo quisieran ese pilar y no estuvo.... lo bueno ahora me tienes a mi tu papi promeX 😃😃


I'd better find another father hahahahaha


I loved that show I didn't know it had a Youtube channel, especially the intro hehe I still remember the song. @promete0sz


aaaajajajajajajaja you got to see it, if it is crazyX that program haha, several of them have their channel, at the moment I am subscribed is to steve-o's but then I will check the chris pontius party boy that that cuntsumadre was very funny 😂

aaaaajajjajaja lo llegaste a ver, si es una locuraX ese programa jaja, varios de ellos tienen su canal, de momento estoy suscrito es al de steve-o pero uego chequeare el chris pontius party boy que ese coñosumadre era muy gracioso 😂



woo yeah yeah I remember the Jackass guy hahahahahah eykel and I laughed our asses off with their videos omg it's been a long time since I've seen him. I remember they were a group that did crazy stuff and I threw up a few times.

woo si si me acuerdo de el de Jackass jajajaj eykel y yo moríamos de la risa con sus videos omg que de tiempo que no lo veía. recuerdo que eran un grupo que hacían locuras varias veces vomite.


jajajaj great show and they have several movies, I'm glad steveo was able to do something good with his life because in the end sticking things up his ass ended up being his job and worse he does it with grace 😂

Watch him put a jellyfish on his head 😂

ajaj buenisimo programa y tienen varias peliculas, me alegra el steveo pudo hacer algo bueno con su vida porque a la final meterse cosas por el culo termino siendo su trabajo y peores cosas mas lo hace con gracia 😂

Mira como se pone una medusa en la cabeza 😂



Without reading or seeing anything, I mistook him for Jim Carrey in the picture haha I need glasses 😂

Ok, I watched a part of the video, I didn't know him even though he is very famous haha but I highlight the importance of parents to support and encourage the path that their child chooses, very few do it.


Una de las estrellas de Jackass. me gustaba ese programa, lo veía pro MTV, ya en esa época se estaba convirtiendo en un canal de realitys y dejando los videos musicales a un lado.

Recuerdo un episodio donde este personaje se comía un tomate, una cebolla , pimiento, sal y un huevo crudo, luego se provoco el vomito, todo eso cayo en una sartén y comenzó a freírlo para luego comérselo. Asquerosamente alucinante.
