(ENG/SPA) Might Guy and The Eternal Power of Youth

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There are concepts that will survive eternally in the mind of a fandom because there is so much soul that its author deposits in a character that this energy full of vitality can reach us and even make us reflect, that is one of the greatest powers that a story has, a character and this is dual because not only the motivation develops, we also get to be honest with the mistakes of our actions because in the end we are not perfect, we are only the lotus of youth waiting for its moment to explode and bloom.

Might Guy is an eternal flash of how a concept can guide a lifestyle, in this case it is one that I consider very positive for all generations because our mind, our joy is always young and he shows it with conviction.

If there is something that is impossible to criticize in all the Naruto anime is the concept of life of Might Guy, it is so much that his way of speaking, of battling, his joy, his enthusiasm reaches everyone and he is one of the most beloved characters of all the anime, he is a good person who every day trains to be the best.

His whole arc when analyzed in detail explodes in that fight against Madara when we know the past of the character and his great father Might Duy, is a gift that makes us Kishimoto beautifully written that relates the way of life of Might Guy, his eternal rivalry with Kakashi, the teaching of his father and the legacy for Rock Lee.

In this case I focus on his concept called the power of youth that is now in us, if you have not seen Naruto and you dare to see this great anime, pay attention to this character because I rarely see someone so well written, so well developed, so admired, so respected.

In the video you will see an extension of what I just wrote plus me imitating this great character who also has a huge comic power in dupla with Rock Lee and his great Rival Kakashi, I hope you enjoy and see you in the next PromeX Review.

Hay conceptos que sobrevivirán eternamente en la mente de un fandom porque es tanta el alma que depósito su autor en un personaje que esa energía llena de vitalidad puede llegar a nosotros hasta inclusive hacernos reflexionar, ese es uno de los mayores poderes que tiene una historia, un personaje y esto es dual porque no solo la motivación se desarrolla, también llegamos a sincerarnos con los errores de nuestro actuar porque a la final no somos perfectos, solo somos el loto de la juventud que espera su momento para explotar y florecer.

Might Guy es un destello eterno de como un concepto puede guiar un estilo de vida, en este caso es uno que considero muy positivo para todas las generaciones ya que nuestra mente, nuestra alegría siempre son jóvenes y el los demuestra con convicción.

Si hay algo que es imposible de criticar en todo el anime de Naruto es el concepto de vida de Might Guy, es tanto que su forma de hablar, de batallar, su alegría, su entusiasmo llegan a todos y es uno de los personajes mas queridos de todo el anime, es una buena persona que todos los días entrena para ser el mejor.

Todo su arco cuando se analiza a detalle explota en aquella lucha contra Madara cuando conocemos el pasado del personaje y a su gran padre Might Duy, es un regalo que nos hace Kishimoto bellamente escrito que relaciona el modo de vivir de Might Guy, su eterna rivalidad con Kakashi, la enseñanza de su padre y el legado para Rock Lee.

En este caso me enfoco en su concepto llamado poder de la juventud que ahora esta en nosotros, si no haz visto Naruto y te animas a ver ese gran anime, atento a este personaje porque pocas veces veo a alguien tan bien escrito, tan bien desarrollado, tan admirado, tan respetado.

En el video veras una extensión de lo que acabo de escribir mas yo imitando a este gran personaje que además tiene un poder cómico enorme en dupla con Rock Lee y su gran Rival Kakashi, espero disfruten y nos vemos en la próxima PromeX Review.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



Believe in The Power of Youth, Source of Image



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To be honest, when I was a kid I couldn't stand him, he is kinda annoying 😅 but you're completely right about everything you say about this character. He is very strong and very powerful that probably gets underestimated because of his silly personality, but he showed very well in the anime how powerful he truly is


Muchachonaaaa he's cool, I'm like him so I'm annoying hahahahah, that's right, he proved to be the strongest of all 😀


Hahahahah omg, I don't think you're annoying 😅 but yeah, he's a cool character


Gai was never even close to my favorite characters, but I'm aware that he's really cool.... His fight against Madara was epic, the only thing I didn't like was that they didn't let him die like a hero and that the author left him almost crippled, although well, we know that Gai isn't stopped by a wheelchair 🤣

Gai nunca fue ni de cerca de mis personajes favoritos, pero estoy consciente de que él es realmente genial... Su pelea contra Madara fue épica, lo único que no me gustó fue que no lo dejaran morir cómo un héroe y que el autor lo haya dejado casi que lisiado, aunque bueno, sabemos que a Gai no lo detiene una silla de ruedas 🤣


He is a character that calls the attention together with the good Rock Lee, a comic duo that for surprise has a power that makes tremble even the gifts of the best ninjas.

In the video I indicate just that, at a plot level if he should have died, that is his moment of maximum teaching for the viewer and climax of the series to hit in the feelings to the fan and they will never forget that fight, Now despite the above, still the fight is powerful and unforgettable for those who saw naruto and see him in a wheelchair is very funny to me haha I can not deny that he is a cheerful character and provokes to see him do silly things, he is not to blame that the plot of Boruto is so lousy 😅, I leave this in favor of it


He is certainly a very well written character and one that made us experience moments of anguish in the battle against Madara, we all wanted him to survive. His conversations and encounters with kakashi were always full of good comedy.

Cheers for such a good character. Greetings!


You can say many critical things about Naruto but there are characters with great value for people because of the concept of life they handle, one of them is Might Guy and one notices how the author is even forced to forget him for not being the main characters and main plot, I'm glad we had him back against Kisame and Madara to close his arc in a powerful way. With Rock Lee if the matter is different because if he forgot about him fully, at some point I talk about Rock Lee I will develop this better.

I notice that the girls don't like the interaction of Might Guy but we do, he's funny as hell and has inspired many people with his cosplay etc etc, a great inspiration to our good Might Guy



I love might guy and his antics😭😭😂😀

He's the sheer embodiment of ridiculous 😂


This battle is, without a doubt, one of the best in Naruto Shippuden. Although they didn't give Rock Lee enough development in this Naruto sequel, they did give it to Guy Sensei and they did it very well. Although that final arc is not one of my favorites in the entire anime, it is saved by its excellent battles.
