(ENG/SPA) NIBIRU The Beginning and The End

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There are many stories that real or not, have managed to survive the cruelty of the times and the passing of civilizations, many of them are not exactly known because their fragments have been lost in the imagination of our ancestors, however they have managed to leave a scar of impact in our memories ... we only have to observe our planet and it will tell us in its own way those stories that only belong to it.

Nibiru is part of the popular culture of terror and mystery thanks to its influence in movies, documentaries, etc. already more people know about this planet that executes an apocalypse, one of the forms of the end of humanity, I do not know why practically everything is always suffering and death in many of these stories, definitely our ancestors loved the horror genre, in fact I think they would be disappointed to see the current generation so teletubitesca, candy that everyone traumatizes and scares them making our species look weak when it is that horror that has forged us.

Much is said about this concept of Nibiru but we must have criteria since that is what gives us individuality, we will never know its true history but I think it has some truth and some fantasy.

  • The Fantastic Aspect of Nibiru: I am an Electrical Engineer and I see impossible its history in whichever version is raised because simply we would not exist, I have studied physics and really a planet with those dimensions walking happy of life in our system as if it were logical because it is not.

That is the problem of conspiracy and why I criticize it because it deforms things that could have some coherence, the bad thing is that people like to live in fantasies and this Nibiru is one of them.

  • The Real Aspect of Nibiru: the above does not mean that there are no stars that can approach and even impact, that is what is real and what unfortunately many laugh drowned in ignorance, the real is lost when analyzing these stories of conspiracy, we are proud of the technology of today but it has made us blind to see the sky .... to see the universe.

On the other hand our ancestors had good eyesight and analytical skills, that is why the great fear of what may come from the sky because they are right in that it can end the existence as we know it, in that I agree and one of those ends if it can be a star with a civilization that visits us. In the video you will hear with a lot of emotion basically what I just wrote.

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Hay muchas historias que reales o no, han logrado sobrevivir a la crueldad de los tiempos y el pasar de las civilizaciones, en sí no se conocen con exactitud muchas de ellas porque sus fragmentos se han perdido en la imaginación de nuestros antepasados, sin embargo han logrado dejar una cicatriz de impacto en nuestras memorias... solo tenemos que obervar nuestro planeta y el nos contara a su manera esas historias que unicamente le pertenecen a el.

Nibiru es parte de la cultura popular del terror y misterio gracias a su influencia en cine, documentales, etc ya son mas los que conocen de este planeta que ejecuta un apocalipsis, una de las formas de el final de la humanidad, no se por que practicamente todo es siempres sufrimiento y muerte en muchas de esas de esas historias, definitivamente a nuestros ancestros les encantaba el genero del terror, de hecho pienso que estarian decepcionados de ver la generación actual tan teletubitesca, de caramelos que todos les trauma y asusta haciendo ver nuestra especie debil cuando es ese horror lo que nos ha forjado.

Mucho se dice sobre este concepto de Nibiru pero hay que tener criterio ya que eso es lo que nos da individualidad, nunca conoceremos su verdadera historia pero pienso que tiene algo de verdad y algo de fantasia.

  • El Aspecto Fantaseoso de Nibiru: soy Ingeniero Electriista y veo imposible su historia en la que sea versión que se plantee porque simplemente no existiriamos, he estudiado fisica y de verdad un planeta con esas dimensiones paseando feliz de la vida por nuestro sistema como si fuera logico pues no lo es.

Ese es el problema de la conspiranoia y el por que la critico ya que deforma cosas que pudieran tener algo de coherencia, lo malo es que las personas les gust vivir de fantasias y este Nibiru es una de ellas.

  • El Aspecto Real de Nibiru: lo anterior no quiere decir que no existan astros que puedan acercarse e inclusive impactar, eso si es lo real y de lo que lamentablemente muchos rien ahogados en ignorancia, lo real se pierde al analizar esas historias de conspiranoia, estamos orgullosos de la tecnologia de hoy pero nos ha hecho ciegos al ver el cielo.... al ver el universo.

En cambio nuestros antepasados vaya que tenian buena vista y capacidad de analisis, por eso el gran temor a aquello que puede venir del cielo porque tienen razón en que puede acabar con la existencia tal y como la conocemos, en eso estoy de acuerdo y uno de esos finales si puede ser un astro con una civilización que nos visite. En el video escucharas con mucha emoción basicamente lo que acabo escribir.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.


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What good points you have shared in this video. I'm very knowledgeable about the Nibiru theories, and boy are they great, as well as terrifying. There are many studies that affirm that it is real, and that makes it more exciting, when science and fantasy come together, but in this case there are even historical facts. What a desire to have supernatural powers and travel far away to discover the occult, and at the same time I think that maybe we don't have to go so far... That's the wonderful thing about conspiracy. Thanks for this entry Oscar!.


The detail of Nibiru is that it is easily confused with Planet X and they are two very different things, in the planet X if I believe it is very real only that it has not yet been achieved or discovered and causes mass extinctions such as the Dinosaurs among other eras every so often, that little friend could talk later 😃

I would love not so much to travel in space, I would like to travel in time because we would see how those monuments that pay an eternal tribute were built and know those phenomena that inspired it .... but before doing the above I would visit IvanaX e ten years ago just to annoy her Muajajaja 🤣

El detalle de Nibiru es que se confunde facilmente con el Planeta X y son dos cosas muy distintas, en el planeta X si creo es muy real solo que aun no se ha conseguido o descuberto y causa extinciones masivas como la de Dinosaurios entre otras eras cada cierto tiempo, de ese amiguito pudiera hablar luego 😃

A mi me encantaria no tanto viajar en el espacio, a mi me gustaria es viajar en el tiempo porque así veriamos cmo se construyeron esos monumentos que rinden un tributo eterno y conocer esos fenomenos que lo inspiraron.... pero antes que hacer lo anterior visitara a IvanaX e hace diez años solo para fastidiarla Muajajaj 🤣


Certainly it can be real all this with deformations of the actuality.... you have the ancestors saw things that then were covered, they worshiped certain ships... something have seen!!!! It's great Oscar!

Certainly it can be real all this with deformations of the actuality.... you have the ancestors saw things that then were covered, they worshiped certain ships... something have seen!!!! It's great Oscar!


that's why I don't agree very much with many conspiracy theories because they divert the path of something that could have happened 😐


Yo solo dire que el Universo no existe y estas conspirando para que creamos en esto muajajaja ya en serio, lo que hay mas alla del cielo es un misterio, que es verdad y que no, quiza nunca lo sabremos, pero si tuviera que elegir un fin del mundo, elegiria un asteroide que arrase con todo 🦉


ajjaja kyc!! Buho maligno 😂

Eso del asteroide pienso que es lo que ha pasado varias veces en distintas eras... nuestros amiguitos dinosaurios son testigos de eso 😐


Pero qué tienes en contra de los conspiranoicoss jajajajaja. No, en serio, buen post, muy interesante lo de Nibiru y sí, no todas las teorías son ciertas, hay que saber analizar lo que es real de lo que no lo es. El morbo siempre vende más y todo lo terrorífico, pero lo que hay después sólo lo sabremos cuando estemos del otro lado, ahí recordaremos y veremos quién tiene razón.


ajajaja pasa que varias estan diseñadas para desviar la atención de cosas que si pueden ser reales, eso pienso, ademas del hecho que obsesionan muchas personas 😅

A la final es eso que mencionas, tener solido criterio porque como dices, el final es el mismo para todos y alli espero sepamos mas de lo desconocido
