Yin and Yang


Recently, I've had a lot of time in my hand where I just get to think about random stuff that sometimes don't even mean much to me. One of those things had been about the balance of the world. You see, I've asked myself why everyone can't be rich at the same time, why we have poor people in the world. And while I thought about it, I realized that in order for there to be balance in the world, there have to be the rich and the poor, good and bad, yin and yang.

So in as much as we hate seeing people suffer due to poverty and all that stuff, it just seems like it is a necessary evil that has to happen because if you look at it, do you think the world will be a better place if everyone is wealthy and have everything they want? Before you answer, take a moment to really think about it.

photo by Nipun Haldar

Today's contest topic had asked if I would give my life to basically ensure that the world is a better place? Well, whenever I see movies where people sacrifice themselves for the greater good, I've always asked myself if it's something I can do if I find myself in that same position?

A good example is the Captain America movie where Steve Rogers jumped on a grenade in a bid to save his colleagues during training but then it turned out the granade wasn't a real one and didn't go off.

Now while we may argue that things like that might not happen in movies, there are people (probably military personnel) who might get influenced by movie scenes like that and try to be a hero by replicating the same thing they had seen, unfortunately (or fortunately for me, it all depends on the angle you're looking at it from), I'm not that kind of person.

Would I be willing to give my life so that everyone else could have a better life, the answer is no and this is me being realistic, honest and not trying to lie to y'all. I would rather be the one being saved than be the one saving everyone else if it means that I have to die for it, and my reason for this is pretty simple. You see, unlike most superhero movies out there, I would like to live long enough to enjoy whatever good someone sacrificed their life for, rather than be the one who sacrificed his life and doesn't get to enjoy it.

You could call it greed or whatever, I really don't care and won't argue with you, all I know is that I'm choosing life over death.


Lol, very straight to the point, No time to die for the world,
The World is too messed Up


Not even that.. I just love life.
