Sometimes, too much information can be bad.

Back when I and my family used to live in the ghetto, my dad used to do this thing where he only told us things that he felt we needed to know and I remember not fully understanding why he did it at the time. Luckily for us, we had our mom who always got too excited or too scared about things and would always whisper it to us whenever our dad wasn't looking.

So when my dad bought a piece of land and started building on it, he had told her and made her promise not to tell us, while she had told us and made us promise not to tell him, a promise we actually kept and pretended not to know anything about it until he eventually told us about it years later and we all acted surprised, like it was our first time hearing about it. Some good Oscars performance if you ask me.

The same thing happened when our neighbour decided for no reason to hate on us. My parents tried handling the issue secretly until it eventually got out of hand and our neighbour started using voodoo and all sort of dark magic. Then my dad had no choice but to brief us about it so that we could be careful and I kid you not when I say that I got scared.

photo by Mr Cup / Fabien Barral

The same thing I think applies to the government. I believe there are certain things out there in the world, things the government knows about that if exposed and told to the public, would cause a lot of chaos, depending on how crazy that thing might be.

A good example was during the covid era, I remember when the news first broke about the virus and how everyone went berserk. One particular thing that I still don't understand till date was why some people abroad were literally fighting for tissue papers at the supermarket.

While it was a good thing that the government had told everyone about the virus so that we could all take precautions and be careful, the temporary chaos that happened after the lock down was announced just tells you how much worse things could get when something a lot worse than covid gets out to the public, and trust me when I say that there are a lot more crazy things out there.

I once saw a video of a guy who claimed to have seen a UFO and that when he tried going to investigate, some strange men on black suits and dark sunshade (your typical Men In Black kind of guys) had stopped him and asked him to go back.

Now this isn't the first time that I've heard of crazy things like this and trust me when I say that I do believe them and would honestly like to know what those UFOs are and what the government are doing with or to them, if they're negotiating or whatever, but that is just me being curious like a normal human being would.

The question is, would I be able to handle whatever it is that I may find out when I do get the answers to these questions?

So yeah, in as much as I want to know everything, I honestly don't think it would be a good idea.
