Basic Skills that Should be Common Knowledge

It's sad how we over here don't really see the need to learn certain skills that I do feel everyone should know like it's ABCD, until a time arises when we do need those skills and end up stranded.

For the purpose of this post, I will be listing two things that I think everyone should at least know how to do when they get to a certain age (probably 18 years), as these skills could really save our lives..

photo by Samuele Errico Piccarini

The first skill, which also was what prompted today's post is driving. I honestly feel like as a human being, we all should begin to learn how to drive the moment we get to eighteen years of age. The government should include it in our curriculum in school or something because we really don't know how important knowing how to drive is, until you find yourself in danger, stranded with a car and yet you still can't go anywhere.

Just thinking about it sounds so embarrassing but it happens. A good example was the incident that happened a while back to my friends. I had written about it here but just in case you missed it, the summary of that entire event was that my friends had gone out in the middle of the night.

They had taken another friend's car with them but somehow during the whole partying, that friend had gotten so high that he almost passed out and couldn't drive.. And sadly, none of them there knew how to drive. So they called me and I started calling everyone I knew who could drive and was free to go out in the middle of the night to go bring them back home.

Luckily they all got back safe but it was a crazy night.

Anyways, the second skill that I do feel is important is swimming. And yeah, I know that there's this joke somewhere that black people don't swim, well they should. I know that when compared to driving, the possibility to find yourself in a situation where you have to swim out of it is a bit slim, but not impossible. And when it does happen, it's always going to be a life or death situation, because it will be either you swim out of it or you drown and die.

So yeah, I feel both of these things has to be taught somehow, either in schools or at home. We all just should know how to drive and swim.. Unfortunately I know none of em..


I also agree with you. I know swimming but I can't drive. I have the plan to learn driving but I think managing time for is is not going to be easy for me in the future days.


If you already know how to swim then you're almost there.. Unlike me who still have a long way to when it comes to both.
