

It could be hard to compare one asset with another one since they do not evolve in the same sphere.
At the same time I love talking about gold and compare it to crypto just for the gamification of class asset in the world of finance. As you know the gap between both assets are so wide but crypto is coming so strong, it puts gold on notice. It has been around for thousand of years. It is shiny and use case is out of this world. The banks love gold since they can hold it in vaults. Governments love it too.
Gold will always fit the profile of a class asset where you want stability, some sort of liquidity and governance in the world market.

Other than that it is all crypto going forward. But due to respect of gold for its longevity in the market we need to remind ourselves why crypto needs gold money to move forward.
Yes gold is rare, you have to mine in underground, crazy labor. BTC only 21 million is rare to mine.
No need to jump in all details about both. you see the point blank in the face.
One is digital, freedom to use and own. You do not need bank to own crypto. Free of the control. The other one you have to carry with you and it is shiny. Sometimes you have to hide the gold, you know the rest.
Keep in mind, both are useful for the market.

Since the world financial market does most of its trade in US dollar, it will be chaotic to see a major fall in 10 years. I hope it is smooth otherwise everyone lost. If you hold gold, the price could reach $30k/oz while BTC will reach $2000k within 10 years. While I am playing with numbers, I love to throw Hive in the picture so to see where we stand in the meantime.

With Hive at $1.48 all time high, we can assess Hive at around $25 within five years. I hope my calculations stick around for the holders. Time is so precious just hold around is the best we all can do. Having the dollar losing value through inflation, crypto is the best avenue to fight this ever daunting loss of value from fiat currency.

Prediction is just another way to stay awake and see what future holds. Anything is possible with crypto. One part you cannot doubt, BTC, crypto in general is the level plain field for anyone seeing what will happen. Another way this is the power of the community pushing one agenda for the future.
It may sound repetitive to read where the btc price will land. Obviously this is the change we have been waiting for. When you see it, just feel like you do well for following what you said a while back.

I think in the near future, the marketcap of gold will shrink in favor of crypto. This is like a transition for the collapsing of the fiat currency. Everyone would love to possess borderless funds.
Wherever you go you can spend your funds as you see fit.
I know regulations is creeping down. Only bad actors should be worried.
It is happening as we speak for places where fiat has no value.
Nature hates emptiness.

Not everybody can be in finance, but everyone needs money for purchase. This is a race against fiat,
nobody wants to be in that sector when it happens.
This is why tokens with bright future are part of my portfolio going forward.
I try to buy and hold and see where it lands.
So much to grasp out there where abundance is coming dressing like crypto.
By the way Hive itself is looking good and useful.
Do yourself a favor, prepare your #HPUD.

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Projecting prices is a mine field as no one knows and is just guessing. Bitcoin to 41 million within 10 years is a given in my thinking and Hive should do $20-$40 in that same time frame. We may be well out and could be a lot more but at the same time would be happy with a $5 Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Personally I hope
there is no chaos in the timeline
cause of crypto.
If it does, it could be the end of
everything. hope not


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Bitcoin will either be worthless or a whole heap more than now in the future. I can't really see an inbetween.


Anything is possible.
Crypto will change the way we see monies
going forward.
Hope for the best.
Going to zero may not in the picture

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


the future knocks on our door #Hive will show us the way to follow, cryptocurrencies have arrived to access our money more easily and at any time. Just in my post today I show how I am preparing the next #HPUD.


Both existing and solving different problems. Our comparison of gold and bitcoin is wrong in every sense, both different. Gold has survived the test of time because it serves its purpose very well. It's same for bitcoin and it (may) survive the test of time too.


HPUD is a few days away, it's been a while. Imagine if Crypto has been around for the number of years that gold has?. I like gold it's an asset that maintains value overtime, but crypto is much more.

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