A wish at birth (Eng/Esp)
The night is clear, the summer has been very long. This is the year 01 after the glacial season, in the northern mountains, in the V region. A warm breeze blows and lulls the few sheep that still survive, protected by two dogs. Isis and her companion Pecas, black-coated shepherds with white spots on their legs and tails, guard and protect them from the black saurians, huge reptiles that multiplied when hunters in the mountains wiped out the wolves.
The brothers Cristóbal and Miguel are twins and came into the world at the same moment that their mother abandoned him. A difficult birth in even more difficult conditions. Her husband had died defending the families of the valley from the attack of the mountaineers from the south, a people fierce and invasive who stripped the farmers of their land.
That night, a cold wind rattled the roof of the tent they had improvised with the few blankets they had managed to bring from their former home. Inside was Lucia, a young woman with braided black hair, her slanted eyes of intense black denoting her origin, the people of the valley. The pains, more and more intense and continuous, told her that her son was on his way. She was very weak, she had lost a lot of blood fleeing from those who had murdered her husband.
In a great effort she pushed for the child to come out of her womb. Her forehead was wet with sweat, although it was cold. Her hands held her mother's tightly.
Her father kept watch outside.
As her son came into the world, Lucia watched through the opening of the tent as a shooting star fell through the mountains. She made a wish: that her son would never be lonely, that he would have someone by his side who would love him and help him overcome the sadness.
Her mother took the baby and placed him on Lucia's chest. She hugged him and her body shuddered with other contractions.
"Daughter! Another baby is coming, there are two of them".
Her mother took the first baby and wrapped him in a blanket, placing him on the blanket where her daughter was lying.
Lucia, with her remaining strength, saw the birth of her second child and took her last breath. She was only accompanied by her parents, who helplessly could do nothing to help her stay alive, but they made her a promise to take care of the children, her grandchildren, and they were keeping it. Thirteen years have passed since that night.
The surviving families sought refuge in the highlands and there they began a new life, far from the mountaineers of the north.
"Grandfather, let's go up to the roof to watch the sheep".
"Careful, Cristóbal, there are some holes I have to fill before the rains come, hopefully soon".
"Yes, Grandfather!"
Cristóbal felt he was the older brother, even though there was only about ten minutes difference between the two births. Physically, they were identical: they were young men of slim build, with straight black hair, black, slanting eyes, They were very much like their mother, but at their young age, each felt life differently.
Sitting on the roof, Cristóbal looks at the sleeping sheep and the dogs lying on one side, while Miguel lies down to look at the sky.
"How many stars are there in the sky, it seems so close? Look! I can grasp them in my hand". And he stretched out his arm to grab a star, the whitest and brightest one. "Did you know that the red one is not a star? It doesn't twinkle, it's a planet and it's called Mars".
"Why do you know so much about the stars, who taught you? Whenever we go up to the roof, you tell me something I didn't know."
"I just know, no one taught me. Grandparents are very busy with other things. They teach us what is important to survive".
"That's right!, and that's what we should know: you have to pay attention when they tell us something, you're always dreaming. You keep watching the birds when we go hunting, and you don't like to kill them. It's food! We need it!. And when you have to kill a sheep, you disappear.
Miguel loved his brother and knew he needed to learn more than just how to survive. He was becoming a young man with a shell in his heart.
The next day they accompanied their grandfather to take the sheep to a small valley near a stream. There were no more pastures in the mountain range where they lived. Following the sheep were Isis and Freckles.
They came to a place where a very green grass grew, and the hungry sheep began to eat. The dogs were running from one place to another, keeping watch.
"Cristóbal! Miguel! Stay close to me. The dogs are nervous, they sense danger nearby"
"It could be the saurians, grandfather! Let me go see, they're hiding in the caves".
"No, Christopher, it's dangerous. Wait here".
Grandfather, tall and stocky like the men from the northern mountains, called to Freckles, who ran up to him, wagging his black tail with white spots, and together they headed for the caves.
"Grandfather should not have gone alone". Cristóbal looked around with his bow in his hand, ready to shoot.
Meanwhile, Miguel was sitting on a rock, "We have to take care of the sheep".
A high-pitched howl was heard, followed by Pecas barking. The sheep stopped eating, pricked up their ears and ran towards the house with Luna behind them.
Miguel jumped to his feet and ran after them.
"Let them go, Miguel, Luna will lead them to the house. Let's go look for grandfather".
They both ran until they reached the caves. There Grandpa was holding Freckles with one hand while he watched what was inside.
A gray she-wolf with her two newborn cubs.
"Look! What do we do?"
"We have to kill them, grandfather. They are a danger to our sheep and those of the neighbors".
"And what do you think, Miguel?"
Miguel was looking at the mother, who was baring her fangs to protect her cubs, but her look was one of pleading. She was asking for help. Her paw had a wound and was bleeding.
"Let's help her, grandfather, she and the puppies need us".
"You're crazy, Miguel! We can't be compassionate with those who hurt us". And with the bow in his hand, Cristóbal approached the she-wolf.
Miguel put his body between his brother and the she-wolf.
"She is not hurting us, Cristóbal. She is protecting her children, and she is suffering as our mother suffered that night. It is our duty to help her"
"You didn't have to mention our mother".
Tears rolled down Cristóbal's face, and his arms hung on either side of his body. His grandparents had told him what happened, and a feeling of hatred was growing in his soul.
Miguel approached him and hugged him.
"You are not alone, brother. I am here for her, I am her wish come true. I have also come to learn from you. We are soul mates, and we will be united forever".
The howls of the she-wolf made them separate.
"Now we are going to help. She needs us".
Grandfather smiled in pleasure, he too did not want to kill the she-wolf and her cubs.
The she-wolf had her paw treated by Miguel and Cristóbal. They fed her every day until she was able to fend for herself and go out to hunt the saurians to feed the wolf cubs that were already running around and playing with each other.
A fallen star and a mother's wish brought good changes. A new chance of life for the wolves would produce a balance in the nature of the region. The realization of this act of love broke Cristóbal's armor and his heart beat strongly, freeing him from the weight of hatred and rancor. New airs arrived to the towns of the sierra, and with them, times of peace and abundance.
Un deseo al nacer
La noche está despejada, el verano ha sido muy largo. Es el año 01 después de la temporada glacial, en las montañas del norte, en la V región. Sopla una brisa cálida que adormece a las pocas ovejas que aún sobreviven protegidas por dos perros. Isis y su compañero Pecas, pastores de pelaje negro con manchas blancas en las patas y la cola, que las vigilan y protegen de los saurios negros, enormes reptiles que se multiplicaron cuando los cazadores de las montañas acabaron con los lobos.
Los hermanos Cristóbal y Miguel son gemelos y llegaron al mundo al mismo instante en que su madre lo abandonaba. Un parto difícil en unas condiciones más difíciles todavía. Su esposo había muerto defendiendo a las familias del valle del ataque de los montañeros del sur, un pueblo de gente fiera e invasora que despojaban de sus tierras a los agricultores.
Esa noche, un viento frío sacudía el techo de la carpa improvisada con las pocas mantas que habían logrado traer de su antiguo hogar. Adentro estaba Lucía, una mujer joven de cabellos negros trenzados, sus ojos oblicuos y de un negro intenso denotaba su origen, los pueblos del valle. Los dolores, cada vez más intensos y continuos, le decían que ya su hijo venía en camino. Estaba muy débil, había perdido mucha sangre huyendo de los que habían asesinado a su esposo.
En un gran esfuerzo pujó para que el niño saliera de su vientre. Su frente estaba mojada de sudor, aunque hacía frío. Sus manos sujetaban con fuerza las de su madre que la ayudaba y su padre vigilaba afuera.
Mientras su hijo venía al mundo, Lucia miró a través de la abertura de la carpa el brillo de una estrella fugaz que caía entre las montañas. Ella pidió un deseo: que su hijo nunca se sintiera solo, que tuviera a su lado a alguien que lo quisiera y ayudara a superar la tristeza.
Su madre tomó al bebe y se lo colocó a Lucía sobre el pecho. Ella lo abrazó y su cuerpo se estremeció con otras contracciones.
—¡Hija! Viene otro bebé.
Su madre tomó al primer bebé y lo envolvió en una cobija, colocándolo sobre la manta en la que estaba acostada su hija.
Lucía, con las fuerzas que le quedaban, vio nacer a su segundo hijo y dio su último respiro. Solo la acompañaban sus padres, quienes impotentes no pudieron hacer nada para ayudarla a seguir con vida, pero le hicieron la promesa de cuidar a los niños, sus nietos y la estaban cumpliendo. Ya han pasado trece años desde esa noche.
Las familias sobrevivientes buscaron refugio en la sierra y allí comenzaron una nueva vida, lejos de los montañeros del norte.
—¡Abuelo!, vamos a subir al techo a vigilar a las ovejas.
—Con cuidado, Cristóbal, hay algunos huecos que tengo que tapar antes de que vengan las lluvias y ojalá sea pronto.
—¡Si abuelo!
Cristóbal se sentía el hermano mayor, aunque apenas había unos diez minutos de diferencia entre ambos nacimientos. Físicamente, eran idénticos: eran unos jóvenes de constitución delgada, de cabello negro y liso, de ojos negros y oblicuos, muy parecidos a su madre, pero a su corta edad, cada uno sentía la vida de manera diferente.
Sentado sobre el techo, Cristóbal mira a las ovejas durmiendo y a los perros echados a un lado, mientras Miguel se acuesta a mirar el cielo.
—¿Qué cantidad de estrellas hay en el cielo, parece tan cerca? ¡Mira! Puedo agarrarlas con la mano. Y estiró su brazo para tomar una estrella, la más blanca y brillante. ¿Sabías que aquella, de color rojo, no es estrella? No titila, es un planeta y se llama Marte.
—¿Por qué sabes tanto sobre las estrellas?, ¿Quién te enseño? Siempre que subimos al techo, me dices algo que no sabía.
—Solo lo sé, nadie me lo ha enseñado. Los abuelos están muy ocupados en otras cosas. Nos enseñan lo que es importante para sobrevivir.
—Así es y es lo que debemos saber: tienes que prestar atención cuando nos dicen algo, siempre andas soñando. Te la pasas observando a las aves cuando salimos a cazar y no te gusta matarlas. ¡Es comida! La necesitamos. Y cuando hay que matar a una oveja, desapareces.
Miguel amaba a su hermano y sabía que él necesitaba aprender algo más que cómo sobrevivir. Se estaba convirtiendo en un joven con una coraza en su corazón.
Al día siguiente acompañaron a su abuelo a llevar a las ovejas hasta un pequeño valle cerca de un riachuelo. Ya no había pasturas en la sierra donde vivían. Siguiendo a las ovejas iban Isis y Pecas.
Llegaron a un lugar donde crecía una hierba muy verde y las ovejas hambrientas comenzaron a comer. Eran solo diez, pero se podía escuchar el sonido de sus mandíbulas masticando como si fueran cien. Los perros corrían de un sitio a otro vigilando.
—¡Cristóbal! ¡Miguel! Quédense cerca de mí. Los perros están nerviosos, sienten un peligro cerca.
—¡Pueden ser los saurios, abuelo! Déjame ir a ver, ellos se esconden en las cuevas.
—¡No, Cristóbal!, es peligroso. Esperen aquí.
El abuelo, alto y fornido como los hombres oriundos de las montañas del norte, llamó a Pecas, quien corrió hasta él, moviendo su cola negra con manchas blancas, y juntos se dirigieron hasta las cuevas.
—El abuelo no debió ir solo. —Cristóbal miraba a todos lados con el arco en la mano preparado para disparar.
Mientras, Miguel esperaba sentado en una roca, —hay que cuidar a las ovejas.
Un aullido agudo se escuchó, seguido de los ladridos de Pecas. Las ovejas dejaron de comer, pararon las orejas y corrieron hacia la casa con Luna detrás de ellas.
Miguel se paró de un brinco y corrió tras ellas.
— ¡Déjalas, Miguel!, Luna las guiará hasta la casa. Vamos a buscar al abuelo.
Ambos corrieron hasta llegar a las cuevas. Allí estaba el abuelo sujetando con una mano a Pecas mientras observaba lo que estaba adentro.
—¡Miren! ¿Qué hacemos?
Una loba gris con sus dos cachorros recién nacidos.
—¡Hay que matarlos, abuelo!. Son un peligro para las ovejas nuestras y la de los vecinos.
— ¿Y tú qué piensas, Miguel?
Miguel estaba viendo a la madre, que enseñaba sus colmillos para proteger a sus lobeznos, pero su mirada era de súplica. Estaba pidiendo ayuda. Su pata tenía una herida y sangraba.
—Vamos a ayudarla, abuelo, ella y los cachorros nos necesitan.
— ¡Estás loco, Miguel! No podemos ser compasivos con quien nos hace daño. —Y con el arco en la mano, Cristóbal se acercó a la loba.
Miguel interpuso su cuerpo entre su hermano y la loba.
—Ella no nos está haciendo daño, Cristóbal. Está protegiendo a sus hijos y está sufriendo como sufrió nuestra madre aquella noche. Es nuestro deber ayudarla.
—No tenías por qué mencionar a nuestra madre.
Las lágrimas rodaron por el rostro de Cristóbal y sus brazos quedaron colgando a ambos lados de su cuerpo. Sus abuelos le habían contado lo que sucedió y un sentimiento de odio fue creciendo en su alma.
Miguel se acercó y lo abrazo.
—Tú no estás solo, hermano. Estoy aquí por ella, soy su deseo hecho realidad. También he venido a aprender de ti. Somos almas gemelas y estaremos unidas por siempre.
Los aullidos de la loba hicieron que se separaran.
—Ahora vamos a ayudar. Ella nos necesita.
El abuelo sonrió complacido, él tampoco quería matar a la loba y a sus cachorros.
La loba se dejó curar la pata por Miguel y Cristóbal. La alimentaron cada día hasta que pudo valerse por sí misma y salir a cazar los saurios para darle de comer a los lobeznos que ya correteaban y jugaban entre ellos.
Una estrella caída y el deseo de una madre trajeron buenos cambios. Una nueva oportunidad de vida para los lobos regresaría el equilibrio a la naturaleza de la región. La realización de ese acto de amor rompió la coraza de Cristóbal y su corazón latía con fuerza, liberándose del peso del odio y el rencor. Nuevos aires llegaron a los pueblos de la sierra, y con estos, tiempos de paz y de abundancia.
Traducido al ingles en www.deepl.com
Thank you @theinkwell
Happy day 🌻
I really enjoyed this imaginative and powerful story, @popurri. I loved reading about how Cristobal and Miguel turned out, and how their mother's long-ago wish impacted their future, and life for the people and nature of the mountains.
Hello @jayna.
I really appreciate your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Happy day 🌻
It was cute how the boys had compassion on the she wolf looked after her and her cubs.
They grew up to be nice young men. Their mother would be proud.
I loved your comment. Thank you very much @trexane
Have a nice day 🌼
It's great how they agreed to care for the she wolf despite the initial realization of the danger.
Their mother's wish had many impacts on them.
Hello @lightpen
Thank you very much for your comment.
The mother's wish had great and good repercussions.
Have a nice day 🌷
You are welcome. Have a lovely day.
A beautiful story that you share with us on this day. A wish and brothers who will take care of each other forever. I get excited about the wounded wolf part and the cubs part of her. A very good ending.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Happy Tuesday.
Hello @rinconpoetico7
Thank you for your comment. I'm glad to hear you liked the story.
Happy afternoon and blessings