Eating culinary noodles with your girlfriend









Mie Aceh is one of the typical culinary delights originating from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. The characteristic of this culinary dish is the noodles doused in thick curry sauce that tastes of spices, plus various side dishes.

If noodle dishes generally use beef, chicken and various sea animals, Acehnese noodles combine all of these side dishes. This typical Acehnese dish uses a mixture of beef, chicken, goat, and even various processed seafood such as squid and crab.

No need to worry about taste, various typical Acehnese spices such as chili, pepper, cumin, cardamom and turmeric are the basic ingredients for making this culinary curry sauce. So, this culinary dish has a complete taste.

Mie Aceh is different from noodles in general. The basic ingredients of the noodles that are processed have a chewy, flat and thick texture and the color tends to be bright yellow, thus adding beauty to the culinary delights.

These traders then assimilated with the local population, who apart from spreading Islam also brought new flavors to cuisine. In the book entitled "Culture-Based Nutritious Culinary" by Sunarto Kadir (2022), the thick broth in Acehnese noodles is an influence from Indian cuisine. Meanwhile, noodles themselves come from Chinese cuisine.

The presentation of Mie Aceh, which uses goat and beef, cannot be separated from the influence of Islamic values ​​in the land of Aceh. Meanwhile, the addition of various marine animals or seafood in Mie Aceh is influenced by Aceh's geographical location which is surrounded by the ocean. The combination of these cultures finally gave birth to Mie Aceh as a culinary specialty of the capital city of Banda Aceh.
