Chickpea Ravioli with Purslane Recipe //// A Perfect Taste /// We Lose Weight by Eating Healthy


Hello everyone

I've been trying to lose weight for a while. I have been struggling with my weight for the past year. After several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to seek professional help. I am getting online consultancy service. With the help of a dietitian, I lost 3 kilos last month. I hope to give more this month.
Now I will present you a recipe that I learned from my dietitian.

Our Recipe is Chickpea Ravioli


Yes, you read it right, my dietitian gave me a ravioli recipe. But this is a little different from the dough we know.
Let's move on to our recipe.

Necessary materials

  • Purslane. (There is no limit, you can eat as much as you want.)
  • 4 tablespoons of strained yogurt
  • 4 tablespoons of boiled chickpeas
  • One dessert stick of tomato paste
  • Olive oil, salt and spices

As you can see, there is a very healthy ingredient list.
First, we wash the purslane well and chop it into small pieces.

Put the yopurt salt and garlic in a large bowl. Mix until smooth.
If you wish, you can not add garlic, but I love garlic very much, and a ravioli should not be without garlic 😄






We put the purslane we prepared on the serving plate.

Now it's time to prepare the chickpeas. I have boiled chickpeas before and kept them in the freezer.

Add some olive oil and tomato paste to the pan. I added pepper and tomato paste.


After frying the tomato paste for a short time, we add 4 tablespoons of chickpeas to the pan. Let the chickpeas fry for a short time and add the spices.

I used salt, pepper and cumin as seasoning.



When our chickpeas are ready, we put them on the serving plate and our meal is ready.
A delicious and healthy meal.
I would definitely recommend you to try it.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read my post.

Stay with Love,Goodbye....

0.000 PAL

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