I dialogued with my own self,



Silence has unveiled in my hidden sky,
in my interior, many times, covered without knowing it;
that we are those who give each other eternal and total consolation,
that even when we are distant, we take flight together.
He has made us conceive of ourselves in an objective manner
it has shown us that our happy entry and exit
is capable of leading us through rough roads to the oasis of pleasures
to the oasis of pleasures while we are pilgrims.
It has given us infallible vision of the whole of reality
making us see our environment as the forger of pure Eden,
healed our affections with complete gratuity
cleansed our hearts to pronounce AMEN.
Does it mean that we remain mute and without peer?
Or are we unable to find the right words?
It is only a renewed way of listening
That in sacrosanct secret led us to our altar.
To our most sacred altar that rests in our inner self
that in superhuman dialogue came to be scrutinized
discovering, perhaps belatedly, its innovative mystery;
its essence that allows it to haunt a certain chance.
But among those who have been given such an admirable journey
that unknown streets approach with decision?
I dialogued with my own self, I ventured into the cruel confinement;
I undertook without further detours my vital transformation.

0.006 PAL


beautiful work that you have just presented to us, full of feelings but full of doubts and fears, thanks for sharing it

0.000 PAL