October Reflections —My Journey Of Personal Growth And Development

I have observed a lot within my circle in recent months. I've witnessed both desperation and the determination to rise and grow. I've seen everyone striving to enhance themselves, focussing on self-improvement, self-discovery, exploring financial prospects, and more. It seems the primary driver is our realisation that we've transitioned from teenagers to adults, undergoing rapid changes as time slips away.

I've noticed individuals in my circle pursuing opportunities in the wrong manner, and I've also fallen into that trap a few times. Believe me, when I realised my mistake, I was very mad at myself.

I have pursued opportunities in the wrong way, attending conferences, tech events, and various programs aimed at youth self-improvement. While I do try to assess these programs beforehand, many still fall short. They end up being time-wasting experiences, leaving me with little of value.
It's regrettable that I attended two of these conferences out of boredom. I already had a sense that I wouldn't gain much from such events, but I thought it was better to be out and socialise than to be home alone. You know, when your peers are out there actively involved in various activities, it feels like they're progressing, and you feel stagnant, like you're missing out and not making the most of your life.
However, I've had a significant realisation now; I was merely keeping busy. Busy achieving nothing!
So, I've decided to make a change. I plan to engage in something creative when I'm bored, something that will bring fulfilment and happiness without draining me.

Within my circle as well, I've observed individuals engaging in unproductive relationships. They surround themselves with people they want to be identified with and end up living a life that is not theirs.
It's disheartening to see this behaviour from our teenage years crawl into adulthood.

I've come to understand that friendship entails more than just spending time together. Friends play a vital role in our lives; they influence the speed at which we pursue success.

Friends can really have an impact on you. I used to argue with my parents, saying that my friends could never change me. I believed I was strong-willed and focused, not easily swayed by others' opinions. That's what I thought. But as I've grown, I've come to realise that peer influence is just as potent as parental influence. It may not be immediately obvious that they're affecting you, but gradually, you start to change, adapt new ideas, and develop different characteristics. And because you're strong-willed and confident, you might start feeling superior to them because you're not acting like them.

For instance, if you score 50% in exams while they score 20%, you might secretly feel pleased and content. You might forget about those who score 95% or 90% and the fact that you could have achieved better if you were surrounded by such individuals.

The same goes for our lives. If you're the only one in your circle striving for growth and success, the only one working to turn your dreams into reality, you might feel content because you believe you're superior, simply because you're making an effort.
What if you found yourself surrounded by a group where everyone is thinking big, achieving great things, and striving for success? In that environment, you would naturally elevate yourself, set ambitious goals, and work hard to reach them. You wouldn't want to lag behind; it becomes a positive competition, a healthy drive.

Friends influence how we behave, speak, and even think. The impact is subtle yet powerful. I remember when my friend stayed with me for a month; we both noticed she started to laugh like me, and I began playing spiritual songs from my MP3 while praying, just as she does.

Being in the right circle is truly a blessing. It's something we should all aspire to have. If my friends aren't willing to grow and improve, I believe it's better to part ways. It's crucial to avoid feeling superior to them, as that mindset can hinder our own progress and overall development.


I haven't taken the time for deep reflection in a while, but now that I am, I realise there are many things on my mind. This year has been a mix of experiences for me. I've had my share of mistakes and successes, though it feels like the mistakes have outweighed the successes.
However, with three months left in the year, I'm determined to keep improving, just like I planned for 2024: focussing on self-improvement, even if it means stepping out of my comfort zone. My aim was to concentrate on my inner self, and I can see positive changes already.

In the coming months, I want to work on strengthening my mind. I often feel a sense of emptiness, even in a crowd. I want to address this and get rid of this feeling.
I also intend to be highly deliberate in my daily actions. This means doing things promptly, avoiding procrastination, and not relying on motivation to get things done.
Self-discipline is still a challenge to me, but I'm hopeful I can master it by year-end.

Alright. Alright. This would be the end of my post. If you've read up to this point, I appreciate you, and I wish you and your family a blessed month ahead.

All the photos are mine.

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Oh! Thank you.


OperaGX Snapshot from the Community "About"

I know you usually do. So thought I would give you a little reminder. Thank you for sourcing your photos... Gotta share who is creating the awesomesauce photos!!





"Being in the right circle is truly a blessing. It's something we should all aspire to have. If my friends aren't willing to grow and improve, I believe it's better to part ways. It's crucial to avoid feeling superior to them, as that mindset can hinder our own progress and overall development."

Pretty truthful vibes here. Positive energy breeds positive energy. If people are going to bring you down? Or even worse... pretend to be your friend AND bring you down? Nope!! Bye LOL. All we can do, is try to set a positive example... yes? That way... when we DO act positive. It doesn't feel so bad. When we know we did our best and had to remove ourselves from the equation... Good post; I hope you are having a decent day, today!




My day was good, decent:)

Living by example is a good way to navigate through life.
It not only has a positive impact on the people around us but also brings happiness to ourselves.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and giving such an insightful comment.❤️


You have shared with us an inspiring post, and It was fascinating to read. From learning your mistakes to understanding things better and...yeah, self-improvement. It is a beautiful journey worth taking in life. Reflecting on ourselves; past and now then the future we aspire is interesting.


Thank you dear. I appreciate your kind words.
Reflection is a good thing to do, at least once in a while.

Happy new month 🎉


You have touch several true. The one i agree the most is the fact the people we have close to us influence us so much. For that reason i think we must be very selective with the people we choose to spend time.
