Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 85
Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
Welcome to the 85th round of my special weekly photo challenge known as Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)
I know a lot of photo contests with nature as the main theme were/are/will be hosted by various people on the Hive blockchain but I wanted to come up with something more than just another photo contest where participants would submit their best natural photos. Therefore, I decided to go for quite an unusual concept that I am going to introduce in the following lines.
The aim of the Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun photo challenge is not to make you dig up your photo archives and submit the best pictures of nature that you have ever taken. Instead, I want you guys to go out and appreciate the beauty of our nature right now.
The internet (and the Hive blockchain as well) is flooded with picture perfect shots of landscapes, mountains, forests, beaches etc. taken years ago. But this is not what I want to see in this challenge. I want to see shots that may not be necessarily stunning but they must be fresh, proving that you have just physically spent some time outdoors in the fresh air. But remember that nature comes in many forms. It doesn´t have to be a pristine jungle or a deep remote forest. An urban park, a botanical garden, a little grove on the outskirts of your town - pretty much any place with some trees, plants, rocks, bodies of water or any other natural features would be just as fine ;)
Obviously, there is no way for me to verify whether the photo that you submit in the challenge is really fresh or if it was even taken by you so I am relying on your honesty guys. The prizes for the winners (as described below) are more symbolical than overly motivating so I don´t expect too much fraudulent behavior in this challenge anyway.
I want to keep the rules of this challenge as simple and benevolent as possible so let´s agree on just this:
Only one entry (photo) per person per round.
The photo must be yours and not older than one week.
Add a few words about the photo, at least where and when you took it.
You can start submitting your entries to this round in the comment section below from now until the next round.
Prior to publishing the next round post, I will pick 3 winners, give my full upvote on their entries and feature them in the next round of the challenge. As long as the response is not too overwhelming, I will also try to give some smaller upvotes on all of the other entries to reward all participants.
I might change the concept and/or the rules of the photo challenge later on, depending on how things go. I usually host the challenge on Thursday but when needed for some reason, I can host it on some other day so better check my blog regularly not to miss out on it ;)
To keep up with you guys, I submit my own fresh natural photo to every round´s post too :) Here is my contribution to start out this round:
It´s been a beautiful sunny day today here in Opava, Czech Republic so I took advantage of the lovely autumn weather and went for a little bike ride just a couple of hours ago. I followed a popular bike trail that leads through several pictures villages towards the city of Ostrava. Velke Hostice is one of those villages and it was there, in a little park just below the famous Velke Hostice Chateau, where I took this picture featuring a part of the architectural landmark. As you can see, the green color still prevails in the vegetation here but first patches of red and yellow are already popping up in the canopy. Autumn is here :)
In the last round, we had 8 participants. After some thorough consideration, I decided to pick these 3 winners:
@loulou1987 with this entry:
Tentokrát pro mě bylo dost těžké vybrat něco z minulého týdne. Ale tady je - foceno v sobotu večer na posledních kilometrech naší Tour du Mont Blanc cestou do Les Houches. Stmívalo se, nesvítila mi čelovka a šli jsme docela drsný sestup. Na chvíli jsme se zastavili a já jsem jen tak cvakla mobilem s myšlenkou, že je tma a stejně z toho nic nebude. Kvalita fotky je o ničem, ale přece jen tam trošku něco je.
@dswigle with this entry:
I am late to the party again, I can see you already have some great entries! As you know, I went off to Acadia National Park a few days ago. Acadia is in the state of Maine, in the US. It is often photographed and on my list of most visited by my family. I like to stand on the rocks, daring the waves to crash around me. The rocks are actually granite, in the unfinished state of course. It has hiking, biking, and walking trails. It is a truly beautiful place to spend some time, nature and you. My entry for this week is some pink granite down at the water's edge. I want to thank @phortun for hosting/sponsoring this contest.
@kohsamui99 with this entry:
Another weekend has passed and we are into another week closer to New Year, where does this time go well we can't complain about it because we can not do anything to stop it so just go with the flow and enjoy like, I did on last Sunday passed, I took myself and some friends to Ballina town which is 35km from my home town of Byron Bay, Australia after having one of the best seafood lunches we took a walk along the pathway along side Ballina beach enjoying the breeze and burning of a few calories.
Congratulations guys! It was my pleasure to give you 100% upvotes on your entries :)
I am looking forward to what you will come up with in this round.
Have fun and appreciate the beauty of nature!
I post this series in the Amazing Nature community, a great community for all nature lovers. Feel free to check it out ;)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Reminder: let me guys remind you that you have just one more day to vote for the coin whose price you want to guess in my next special tipping contest. You can find the post where you can vote HERE. So far, it looks like we will be guessing the price of Bitcoin again but some other coins like Solana, Doge or Dash have also been mentioned there so there is still a chance for any coin ;) Feel free to stop by and let me know what coin you would like to see in the next special tipping challenge. Thanks for your cooperation!
Upvoted for better visibility.
Hi @phortun, I'm very happy to be back with Appreciate Beauty of Nature with you. And here is the photo I took yesterday early morning at the beach of Da Nang Bay near my house. Thank you and have a nice day!

Very cool capture, thanks :) When I first saw it, for a second, I thought it´s some arctic landscape with frozen trees but then I realized it´s you and that it has to be from tropical Vietnam :D
Thank you a lot @phortun. Yeah I want to see frozen tree once in my life. In the meantime, I try to make this fake one 😁☀️🌈
Ok, just for you my friend :D
Krakow, Poland, February 2021. Might look cool in the photo but trust me, you wouldn´t want to live in this kind of weather for several months :D :/
Awww that's beautiful, and yeah I'm a very cold tolerant coz i'm living in a tropical country. But I still want to experience the cold weather in Europe once.
Have the autumnal days just begun in Europe, @phortun? There's nothing better than spending time outdoors now. 😉
When things are getting back to normal here, I'm busy driving back to the countryside to visit my parents. As I was driving to Hoi An this morning, I saw some beautiful scenery that I couldn't resist stopping for a picture.
Wow, a great mirror photo. Was it the ricefield?
I guess it's a grass field, girl. Nó hơi bị thấp nên úng nước lại nếu mưa to
À ra vậy, t tưởng là ruộng lúa bị ngập thì lại khổ bà còn mình
Yes, autumn is already here :) Unusually warm so far but definitely here :) Thanks for your beautiful entry Trang, I love the reflection. Very nice and peaceful shot. Also, as always, thanks for all great and inspiring engagement in this round, I am sure the other participants appreciate it :) I do for sure.
Hi @phortun, this is my entry for this week

This is the sunset from my home in Balclutha at 7.47pm today. The day time is getting longer in NZ, which means we can enjoy more time in daylight :))
Wow, you got to witness an amazing sunset scenery over there :) Thank you for sharing this beautiul image with us.
I posted exactly the same location during winter, this photo was taken today however. Due to underground coal mining the ground has collapsed and part of the forest turned into swampy water body thing. Picture taken in the forest south from Katowice.
Yeah, I remember :) I liked the old photo and I like this one too. Thanks.
Does it count if I was in the garden all morning, picking and weeding and laying to rest some of the plants that are done? Reaping the rewards of a job almost done.
Taken on the Eastern Shore of Virginia between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, on Sunday, October 3rd. Roma tomatoes and basil, with a hint of parley that I already froze. If it doesn't fit for this contest, my feelings won't be hurt, I will just put one in next week. I'm branching out the possibilities. :)
I can definitely see some nature in this photo so let´s make it a legit entry :) Especially after you worked so hard in the garden... Thanks for joining the challenge, Denise, always a pleasure to have you here :)
At my favorite coffee shop this morning on Byron Bay beach amongst the beauty of nature and another beautiful sunny morning in Byron Bay, having my cappuccino with my most liked dessert a Portuguese Tart filled with egg, I can never just eat one it's got to two and two to take away.
The first photo is my entry but just wanted to show you these yummy golden Portuguese Tarts 🤤
Ohhh, pastel da nata! I love it! Thank you :)
Just the best...yummy 🤤
This was taken from the roof of my building last Thursday. It was a really cold Spring day (the cold wind from Antarctica). I was quite busy with work on that day so I didn't take my breaks to stand up and go outside for some fresh air. When I realized it was 5:30pm, I know I didn't have enough time to go for a walk before the sun is gone so I took the stairs to go up the roof to just soak myself in the sun for some minutes. That was when I saw the snow on a top of a mountain range from a far. It was a great moment to relax for my busy day.

Aww It's great to have a place to enjoy the fresh air after a busy day ha :) I understand how busy you're. Thank you for taking the time to be active and engage with everyone on Hive.
Much !LUV
Thanks girl. You too are really busy so I really appeciate your time to support me. And best of all, participating on Hive is a great way for a workaholic like me to keep a balance in my life.
@dora381, you've been given LUV from @trangbaby.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/3)
Thank you for your entry :) Not really much nature in this shot but I can still see some, the snow covered peaks are beautiful :)
Last weekend I was busy shopping to prepare for growing tomatoes and basils so I didn't take any photos. When I saw your post, I thought what I wanted to say about my week and this photo is chosen. The message is: For some reasons if you are not be able to be around nature, there is still something you can do to feel it, even just for 5 minutes.
Hi friend, I cycled to Nguyen Tat Thanh beach in Da Nang city this morning to catch the sunrise and took many pictures. I love going to the beach early morning as I can watch the sunset and the scenery of the fishermen who are back from a night on the ocean fishing. It's peaceful.
Wow beautiful sunset photo em oi. Wish I could be there to immerse myself in the scene
Cảm ơn chị. Mùa hè Đà Nẵng sunrise đẹp lắm ạ.
Uh đợt c vào đó chơi thích lắm, ngồi bãi biển uống nước dưaf ngắm hoàng hôn là tuyệt vời luôn
Hình đẹp xuất sắc luôn ❤️
Dạ thank you chị
Stunning golden hour shot, thank you for sharing it with us :)
This photo was taken in the morning around 7:30 AM in my garden on Wednesday. I just realized this butterfly already but did not tend to take a photo until I finished watering the garden. It was still there and working hard with the flower while the bees were also around. I decided to record this nice moment and let her there to finish her work.
Lovely close up, thank you very much :)
Přidám se do vzácné společnosti se svou troškou :-)
Opravdu se nedíváte na podzimní ranní mlhu. Snímek vznikl 28.9. odpoledne, kdy se sousedi pokoušeli rozdělat oheň ve venkovním grilu. Při pohledu z terasy našeho domu (východně od Č.B.) proti slunci tak vznikl tento krásný efekt "zamlžení" :-)
Nesním zapomenout na
za použití #aroundtheworld
Zajímavá "kouřovka" :) Díky za příspěvek do mé soutěže a zároveň zařazení do tvé :D
@phortun, you've been given LUV from @bucipuci.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/10)
That's impressive capture of the sun :)
Thanks :-)
Beautiful sun light rays. I always love to see the sun in this way. Thank you for sharing with us.
You're Welcome :-)
I really like your fascinating contest and always interesting photos of its participants. According to their posts, we get acquainted with our huge planet and many of its sights.
I wish you all good luck and good health!
Thank you very much for your kind feedback :) If this is your entry, please tell us at least where and when you took the photo.
This is not for a contest, just as a token of appreciation :-)
Aww, thank you :)
Lovely and vibrant flower !! I think I've seen this flower around my area but not sure the name
I think they are pansies girl. They are edible flowers
These are tricolor violets :-)
This is my entry for the appreciating beauty of Nature with @phortun.
This photo was taken by 3:12 PM, at Obio Akpa Government primary school, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

There was a match competition in the primary school, then I was passing and I saw this flower so beautiful and I love it uniqueness.
Oh I think we have this plant in Vietnam too, I just dont know its english name right now
Wow! Really?
I guess we are in this together
They look like tropical canna lilies
You are right, that is the name, thank you so much
Thanks man see you in the next round and congrats to @dswigle with no picture 🤣 and @loulou1987 nice frame 👍
Thank you! :)) So hard winning that way!
🤣🤣🤣 but fun !!
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Image by barbara-orenya
Thank you so much for the mention @phortun !! I appreciate it. I will say congratulations to @loulou1987, whose photo was amazing! What a stunning view and the addition of those clouds sealed in the beauty. Also @kohsamui99 - Congratulations, I always love to be in good company. Always great shots from you.
This is a fun contest and I like that everyday nature rules! Thank you once again!I love the way you keep stirring up this platform, mixing it all up and making it fun.
Thank you very much for this lovely feedback Denise :) Always a pleasure to have you in the challenge, I will be looking forward to your next entry ;) Have a beautiful day.
Thank you! I am going out to ride tomorrow, so I should have some shots.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 50/90) Liquid rewards.