Splinterlands Weekly Battle Challenge - GOBLIN SHAMAN
Hello Everyone today I am sharing with you the "Weekly Challenge battle" and I hope you will like my battle and find my strategy useful.
The Goblin Shaman is a common beta card. It plays under the fire splinter. It costs only 3 mana caps to use in battles. The main reason people use this card in the first place is the weaken ability of this monster. But, this monster becomes much strong when it's upgraded and reaches a higher level. The attacking speed of this monster doubles, it gets magic attacking ability, it also gets a new ability besides the weaken ability which is slow ability.
The Stats
Goblins are everywhere in the Burning Lands, but they are all larger and stronger than the Goblins of Anumün. The Goblin Shaman of the Smoldering Forest are especially skilled in slowing and weakening their enemies with enchantments. Many of them can hypnotize with a simple gaze from their blood-red eyes
Mana Cap: 18
Rules: Rise of commons, Armored up.
Elements used: Fire, Death, Dragon.
Cerberus is the best tank for low mana battles and I always pick this card in such battle
Fineas Rage I like to play with this card because he has Reach ability which I can attack from second position also he receives some misses from melee attackers
Goblin Shaman saves me from a lot of battles with his abilities Slow & Weaken in lv5 I rent him every time I go to play with fire, and I picked him in this battle.
Creeping Ooze is the card that cost 1 mana and 1 melee attack in lv5 is the card you should have in every battle, but actully I picked him in this battle beacuse I only had 1 mana left and thought it will be fun if I play with 2 cards with Slow ability:D
Thanks you for your reading
Here's the battle link
If you didn't play the game yet! Here's my link give it a try we are enjoying every moment there.
Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss